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Hey guys!

As promised another update.  Sorry it was a bit delayed my internet connection was unstable around 2-3am and so i could not upload this one.

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Pie’s PoV



I was lying on my bed and was debating over eating at home or outside but my thorough thinking was halted by my buzzing phone.

I reached for my phone to see who is calling and it was Aya.  Didn’t I tell you we’re now close friends?

Me: Yes Aya?

Aya:  Where are you and what are you doing right now?

Me:  At home and nothing.  Why?

Aya:  Meet me at the mall around 12:00 noon.  Be at your best look or at least try to look good.  You don’t want to look like a poor and exhausted girl beside me right?  Bye.



And she just hanged up after saying those.  So bossy, as always. I wasn’t even able to ask why she asked me to be there.  Now, I don’t have a choice but to go there right away.  Why you ask?  One time, Aya called me and asked me to go with her to the spa salon and I didn’t.  After an hour, she came to our home, went to my room and shouted at me.  She said, “Don’t make me pull on your hair and drag you to your bathroom.  Now, move!”

Sometimes, I get annoyed with that attitude of hers but it’s okay since she’s always the one keeping me from sulking over my life and my failures.




I showered and picked a simple dress and of course, a 5 inches high heels shoes since Aya is a model.  I put on simple make up but I made sure that I don’t look like an ‘average girl’ as she sometimes calls me when I am beside her.

I grabbed my phone and car keys and drove to the location where we’re supposed to meet.  Just kidding, I don’t have my own car now.  I sold mine few months ago so that I could save my business but I failed.  But it’s okay.  I can always take the cab. :)




I entered the mall and walked towards the restaurant that she texted me.  She even said I should hurry up because the food is about to be served.




As I walking, I wonder why she wanted me to come here out of nowhere but then again, it’s Aya we’re talking about here.




I am now entering the restaurant and I was disappointed to see Aya talking to a tall guy seated with her.  I couldn’t see his face since his back is facing my line of sight.  Again, this is how Aya shoo away all her suitors.  She invites me along to make the feel gut out of place.




I heard her say, “Good.  Tell her all that,” to the man as she smiled at me.  I was stopped on my tracks when the guy turned his head to see me.  It was Kim.

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now