XXIX - Kiss and makeout. Wait, what?!

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After eating, they decided to go back to Kim’s room and sat at the veranda.  Pie’s head leaning on Kim’s shoulder.

"Pie,  I’m sure you are already aware of the condo unit I bought.  It was supposed to be a surprise gift.  I had everything planned.  I should’ve brought you there while your eyes were covered.  I should’ve set up a candle light dinner.  Then I should have asked you something.  But I ended up being the one surprised.  Having that said,  Pie,  I will ask you now.  Will you move in with me? Yes or No?"

Pie knew this was coming one day.  But she felt Kim’s great love for her.  Pie was speechless.  She couldn’t stop herself from crying.

"Oh!  Don’t cry, Pie.  Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to answer now.  I’m sorry."  Kim said.

Kim thought that Pie wasn’t ready yet and that she’s moving fast.  Kim’s hope of Pie saying ’yes’ was slowly vanishing.

Pie was still crying,  It made her very difficult to speak.  She knew that if she do not speak now,  Kim would never open that topic again.  Pie was certain she wanted to move in with her.

She gathered herself and managed to speak,  "Yes, Kim!"

Those were the only words Kim was waiting for.  Kim’s eyes widened.  She hugged Pie tight.

"Thank you, Pie!  I love you!  I promise to take care of you everyday.  I promise to clean everyday.  I promise to cook for you everyday."  Kim said as tears rolled down her face.

Kim pulled away.  She held Pie’s chin.  They both looked at each other.  Kim slowly moved her face closer to Pie’s and kissed her.  Pie closed her eyes and kissed Kim back.

Kim held Pie’s hand and lead her to the bed still kissing.  They sat on the bed as they kissed. 

Pie then pushed Kim and made her lie to the bed.  They were still kissing.  It was getting passionate.  It was getting intense.  Kim was about to lift Pie’s shirt without Pie stopping her. 

"Kim!  Pie!"  Kim’s dad called them while knocking.

Both of them stopped and pulled away.  Kim stood up and opened the door.

"What do you need dad?!"  Kim answered.

Kim then realized that she chose the wrong question.

"I mean,  what are you doing here?"  Kim added.

"Well, this is my house."  Mr. Podrick replied and looked Kim with curiosity.

"I mean,  why dad?  Or what do you need?  Or how can I help you?  Whatever dad.  You know what I mean."  Kim reiterated.

"Nothing.  I just want to check on you two.  I just want to make sure you two kissed and made up."  He said as he turned his eyes to look at Pie.

Pie who was already blushing due to the intense kissing and sudden intervention of Kim’s dad,  turned more red which Kim’s dad noticed.

"Or... Have you two been Kissing and making up before I knock?"  Mr. Podrick teased them.

Pie covered her face with a pillow confirming the situation earlier. 

"Stop it dad.  That’s not true."  Kim said with her face turning red.

Mr. Podrick laughed and said, "Alright, Kim!  If you say so.  No need to raise your voice on me.  I’ll go to my room now.  You two continue making out.  I mean making up..."  He added.

"Dad!"  Kim shouted.

"Been there, done that!" Mr. Podrick said while walking away.

And, Kim shut the door.

Pie was still lying down with the pillow still covering her face.  Kim laid down beside her.

"Well that was hot!"  Kim teased Pie.

"Stop it, Kim!"  Pie replied.

"I mean that was awkwardly passionate!"  Kim added while smiling.

"Kim!  I’ll kill you!"  Pie screamed at her.

"Just kidding, Pie.  Sorry,  I’ll stop now."  Kim said reaching the pillow that Pie was holding on to her face.

When Kim was almost able to pull the pillow from Pie, Kim teased Pie more saying,  "Let go, Pie.  I won’t tease you anymore.  Let’s just continue where we left off."  Then Kim laughed.

Pie took a strong grip on the pillow and used it to pound Kim.

"Shut up!  Shut up!"  Pie uttered.

"So you want this, huh?"  Kim replied and tickled Pie.

Pie was laughing so hard.  The two of them were very happy.  The teasing ended and Kim ended up kissing Pie on the forehead.  They both said goodnight and slept.

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now