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"Kim, wake up!"  Pie said.  "Let’s not waste this day on sleeping.  It’s almost lunch time."  She added.

"Oh! Good morning, Pie." Kim uttered as she opened her eyes.

"Kim, hurry up!  Get dressed!  Let’s eat brunch!  After that, let’s visit the center of souvenir shops!"  Pie suggested.

Kim was still sleepy but she didn’t want to start an argument with Pie. 

Kim stood up and said, "Looks like you’ve planned everything for today."

"Alright then,  wait a sec.  I’ll take a bath and prepare."  She added.

Kim and Pie went out of their hotel and ate brunch.  They had lobsters and shrimps.

After eating,  they went to the souvenir shops.

They tried on different shirts with different colors and bought some that looked good on them.  Kim bought several cowboy hats for his father while Pie bought scarfs for her mom.

They also bought several accessories to give to their employees and some friends.

Kim suddenly had an idea for that night’s activity.  When Pie was busy looking at some accessories, Kim sneaked away to find her props and then came back.

"Kim, what did you buy, all of a sudden?"  Pie asked.

"Nothing, Pie.  I just looked at something." Kim answered.

Kim hid the things she bought under the shirts and hats that she also bought.

The sun was setting and the two of them decided to eat dinner.

After eating...

"Kim, let’s go back to our room and take a rest."  Pie uttered.

"Anything you want, my Pie."  Kim said and smirked.

They both went back to their room.  Kim laid all their shopping bags on the bed.

"Kim!  Let’s look at the things we bought!"  Pie said with excitement.

Pie pulled all the things they bought from the shopping bags and happily looked at it.  She saw two things and wondered.

"Kim?!  When did we buy this?"  Pie said while showing it to Kim.

Kim chuckled,  "I bought them when you weren’t looking Pie.  We’ll use that for tonight’s Crazy activity part 2!"

"Plastic cups and ping-pong balls?"  Pie asked curiously.

"Yes, Pie. Ping-pong balls and plastic cups!"  Kim confirmed.

"Oh my!  Beer Pong!  We’re playing Beer Pong tonight!" Pie said in a high pitch.

"Yup!  Beer Pong with a crazy twist."  Kim uttered and smiled.  "Exciting, right?"

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now