XLVI - Crazy Night

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"So,  what do you wanna do tonight?"  Kim asked.

"Hmmm... Let’s go go the hotel’s spa area and get a whole body massage package."  Pie answered. 

"How about,  I give you the whole body massage that you want?"  Kim said and winked at Pie.

Pie pushed Kim away and said, "Stop it, Kim!  my body aches all over due to driving."

"Talk about driving for only three hours."  Kim whispered.

"What did you say?!"  Pie said and they both laughed.

They both agreed and went the spa.

They had a full body massage for 3 hours.

"Wow!  That was fantastic. My body’s feeling great."  Kim uttered.  "So what now, Pie?  It’s only 9 in the evening.  The night’s still young."  She added.

"Kim, let’s do something crazy tonight.  Something that we haven’t done."  Pie suggested.

"Ooohhh!  Naughty!  Me likey!"  Kim answered.

Pie hit Kim on the head,  "Why do you relate everything I say to naughty stuff?"

Kim chuckled,  "I’m just kidding... So what’s the plan?"

"Let’s have dinner."  Pie uttered.

"That’s a common activity."  Kim replied.

Pie continued, "Let’s not wear summer outfits like the others. I’ll go buy and wear the best dress that I can find here.  You go find the best suit and wear it.  We should be in our best look tonight.  Let’s meet at the restaurant near the beach, after an hour."

Both of them laughed but agreed. 

30 minutes has passed.  And of course,  Kim got to the restaurant first wearing a black suit,  white polo shirt inside and black tie.

Kim walked through the red carpet and entered the venue. All the other girls were stunned when she entered.  Kim looked dashing.

While waiting for Pie,  Kim thought of surprising Pie.  She made some arrangements with the restaurant employees.

Another 30 minutes and Pie came in. Pie walked on the red carpet entrance.  She was wearing an elegant white dress.  She was wearing light make up and her hair was tied simply.  She looked stunning. 

Kim was at lost and could only stare at Pie.  She almost forgot her surprise.  She gathered herself and snapped her fingers.

While Pie was walking on the red carpet,  A violin was played and a singer started singing ’Just the Way You Are’ by Bruno Mars.  Pie was surprised and paused for a little while.  She managed to sit with Kim.

The music was still playing.  Pie was very touched.  And just as when she thought that the night couldn’t get anymore perfect,  Waiters and waitresses started walking to her one by one, giving her red roses.

Everyone was looking at them.  You can see in the eyes of the other girls that they envy Pie.

"Kim! What’s this all about?"  Pie asked teary eyed.

"Didn’t you like it? You said that we should do something we haven’t done.  Something crazy..."  Kim said.  "And well.. I’m crazy for you, so I thought I’d surprise you with this."  She added and then held Pie’s hand.

"Let’s order?"  Kim asked.

Pie nodded and they both ordered food.

Kim and Pie ate and stayed at restaurant for 2 hours.

"Pie, now that we’re done eating.  Let’s go to the seashore and walk."  Kim suggested next.

Pie smiled and agreed. Kim paid for the the food and they left...


It’s gonna be a crazy week end for the two of them.. Hope you’ll love it.. Imagine this scene and you’ll enjoy :-)

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