III - A Father's Point of View

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Kim was standing in the rain as Pie was holding an umbrella and was talking to her.  Pie has broken up with her and Kim was so stunned, that even if Pie went inside their home already, she didn’t move.  Kim was so lost as she just stood there for hours.  She knew that Pie said it seriously and that she’ll never take it back.

It was already  past 12 midnight and Kim’s still standing there.  The rain hadn’t stopped.  Kim couldn’t think of anything.  She didn’t know what to do or where to go.  The one thing she’s sure of is that she had lost Pie forever.

As Kim was standing there still not moving, a car honked at her.  It was at the fifth beep when Kim noticed that a car was parked a fe inches away from her.  She looked at the car and saw a man coming out with an umbrella.  It took her a while to realize that it was her dad who came for her.

Kim’s father rushed to her and opened the umbrella.  As she saw her precious daughter in so much pain.

Kim looked at him with the saddest eyes he has ever seen her have.  Even sadder when she lost her mom.  He didn’t know what to say to her.  His heart was in so much pain as she watched over her daughter who was in deep agony.

Mr. Podrick, Kim’s dad, hugged her tight.  And Kim couldn’t help but cry while leaning to his father’s shoulder.

"Let’s go home Kim,"  was the only thing his father uttered while tapping her shoulders.

As Kim was feeling so lost, she just gave in to her father’s request and rode their car.  Kim was seated beside his father who’s driving.  Before they leave Pie’s place, Kim’s dad gave her a towel to dry up a little.  He even took his jacket and wrap it around her daughters body.  And finally he made the last beep to say goodbye to Pie.

On their way home, Kim’s dad knew that it’ not the right time to talk to Kim yet.  He knew her daughter so well.  He knew that when Kim’s ready to talk, she will come to him on her own will.

As they reached their home, Kim hadn’t move an inch. His father tapped her and said, "Kim, we’re home.  Let’s get inside."

Kim looked at his father blankly for a few seconds, then realized they’re home. Both of them got out of the car.  Kim was the first to enter their house, then his father.

Kim’s dad held her hand and pulled her to the dining area.  Kim saw that her father prepared dinner for her.

"Kim,  I won’t ask you anything.  My only request is that you eat a little before you go to your room,"  as her father pleaded.

Kim looked at his dad and saw his face so worried.  Kim, being a very compassionate daughter, ate a little just to satisfy her beloved father’s request.  After eating,  she stood up, went to his father, hugged him tight the went to her room.

After Kim left the table, her father cried silently.  He hates to see her precious daughter hurt.  His father also hinted that her relationship with Pie has ended.

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