XXX - Next step.

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The next morning...

Pie was the first to wake up.

"Good Morning, Kim!"  Pie greeted her then kissed her on the forehead.

Kim opened her eyes and said,  "Good morning to you too." She then hugged Pie and whispered, "It’s feels great to wake up seeing your most precious beside you."  Then kissed Pie on her lips.

Kim the jumped out of the bed quickly. 

As usual,  Kim cooked their breakfast.  They then ate together.

They’ve finished preparing and dressing up.  Pie had to leave for work while Kim was left at their ranch for her work.

While Pie was on her way to her office, she received a text message from Kim.

"Pie,  I feel really happy waking up and seeing you beside me.  I hope we move in together soon.  Take care.  I love you."

Pie was flattered.  She wanted the same thing.  The only thing she needed to do was to talk to her mom and ask her for approval.

Pie then replied to Kim, "I feel the same Kim.  I won’t sleep there tonight. I will talk to my mom and ask for her blessing. I love you more."

It was a busy day for the two of them, specially for Pie who had a lot of customers and investors coming in.

Kim, on the other hand, finished her work early. 

"Dad, can I have a word with you?"  Kim said with a serious look on her face.

"Sure, Kim."  Her Dad replied.  "And, please quit giving me the serious vibes, okay?"  He added.

Kim was certain that his father does not and will not interfere with whatever future plans she and Pie have.  In fact, he already knew that Kim bought a condo unit for Pie and her and he doesn’t have a problem with that.

"Dad,  I know that you do not have a problem with me and Pie living together and I thank you for that.  I know that you want me to be happy.  I just want you to know that Pie and me have decided to move in together as soon as possible."  Kim stated.

"Kim,  you know that I love you and Pie like my own child too.  I support whatever decisions you two make.  All I wanted is to see you happy.  And Pie is your happiness. I knew that at some point, you and Pie will go that direction.  You two always have my blessing."  His dad replied as he tapped Kim’s back.

"Thank you, dad.  You’re the best dad in the world."  She said as she hugged his father.

"Just let me visit you there sometime or visit me here,  okay?"  His dad requested.

"Of course!" She replied.  Oh!  And Dad, I forgot to tell you.  Pie’s mom gave us her blessing to date again!" She added with a smile.

"That’s good news, Kim!  Finally!" Mr. Podrick uttered.  "But Kim,  Does she know about you and Kim moving in together?  That’s a different story, you know?" He added.

"Not yet dad.  But Pie said, she will talk to her mom tonight."  Kim replied.

"That’s good but I think you should also be there when she talks to her mom.  You two decided on this and well, you know her mom, right.  She has to know and see that you two are certain about living together.  You have to show her that you take responsibility of Pie now.  Plus, Pie needs your support tonight."  He explained.

Kim knew his dad was right.  She understood that this will not be easy for Pie. 

"You’re right dad!  As always,  You’re the best dad, best supporter and my best friend."  Kim hugged his father again.

"So what’re you hugging me for?  Go, quick. Go to Pie’s home and wait for her there."  Kim’s dad encouraged.

Kim bathe and dressed up quick.  She has to get to Pie’s house first.

Kim hopped in her car and drove.  On her way to Pie’s home,  she passed by a flower shop and bought one bouquet of flowers for Pie and her mom.

Kim reached Pie’s home.  She pulled over a few blocks away from the house.  She planned to wait for Pie outside and go, face Pie’s mom together.

"This is it.  The next step!"  Kim said as her heart beats fast.

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