LII - Devastated Kim!

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*Pie’s POV*

Kim entered the bathroom. Based on her reaction,  she totally bought what I said.

"Hahaha!"  I couldn’t stop my self from laughing. "Nailed it!"

Hmmm.. Maybe I should tell, Kim, the truth.  She looks like a soldier that lost a battle. 

Oh well,  it wouldn’t kill her if I prolong my teasing a little.

"Oh! I know what to do!"

I put on my swimsuit and wore my robe.  I entered the bathroom without knocking.  Kim was surprised.

Perfect timing.  She’s having a cold bubble bath.  Her body’s all covered by bubbles.

By the look on her face,  she’s lost her dignity. 

That’s what she get for making me do crazy stuff last night.  She shouldn’t have made me dance.  Shouldn’t trick me into taking off my shirt!  And she shouldn’t have done naughty things then falling asleep, all of a sudden!  Victory is mine!  Bwahahaha!

After a while...

"Pie, please get out.  I’m done here.  I need to dress up now."  Kim pleeded.

I looked at her and winked,  "Sure sexy!"

I walked out off the tub, then the bathroom and closed the door.

I laughed hard. 

Yeah!  I know that..  I’m being mean..  I’ll end this later.  So hang on, my Kim.

It was lunch time already and I was hungry.

"Kim, let’s grab our lunch!"

Kim was at lost.  She didn’t hear what I said.

"Kim? Hello?!  I said let’s eat lunch?" I asked again.

"Oh! Sorry.. Of course!"  She answered.

She looked very devastated. I should probably tell her already.

So we went out of our room and looked for a good restaurant.

We ordered our food.  When we were eating,  Kim was still spacing out.

I think, I ruin her.  I over did it, didn’t I?

Okay.  It’s time.

I held Kim’s hand and looked at her with a serious face,  "Kim...  Lighten up!  I was just joking."  And I laughed.

She looked at me with sharp eyes.  She didn’t finish her food, stood up and walked away.

"So... I over did it huh?"

I hurriedly finished my food and went back to our room. Kim’s not even looking at me.

Our vacation was over.  Kim was arranging her things and putting it in her back pack. 

I did the same thing.  We checked out of the hotel and Kim started driving.

"So.. You really won’t talk to me?"

She didn’t answer.

"I’m really sorry, okay?  I over did it."

We finally reached our home.

Kim went to bed immediately.  She didn’t even say a word.

She’s really mad.  I guess I deserve that.  But....  She’s so cute... :-)  Her reaction was epic! :-)

I’ll just cook for her tomorrow and pamper her the whole week :-)

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