XXXI - Mother daughter issue, leveled up

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As planned, Kim parked a few blocks away from Pie’s home.  She was waiting for Pie to arrive.

A few minutes later, Pie arrived and parked her car in the front gate.

Pie was nervous, she’s afraid of what her mom’s reaction will be.  She couldn’t step out of her car yet.

"You can do this, Pie.  I can do this." Pie told herself.

Kim got out of her car and knocked on Pie’s window with the bouquet of flowers covering her face.

Pie was surprised to see Kim standing outside her car.

Pie pulled her car’s window down and said,  "Kim! You’re here!"

"Surprise! Yes, Pie!  I am here to back you up."  Kim said while she chuckles.  She then gave the other bouquet to Pie.  "Flowers for you my love."

"Thanks, Kim!"  Pie said, almost in tears. 

Kim’s presence gave Pie the encouragement she needs.

"Let’s go, Pie. Let’s talk to your mom together."  Kim uttered.

Pie hooped out of her car and hugged Kim tight.

Kim caressed Pie’s back and said, "It’s gonna be alright, Pie."

Pie pulled away. All her worries were gone.  Kim held Pie’s hand and they walked past the gate.

Kim was trying to be strong for Pie.  Both their hearts were beating faster and faster as they took each step closer to the front door.

Kim took the initiative to knock on the door. 

Pie’s mom opened it as Pie tried to put on a smile on her face.

Pie greeted her mom, "Hi mom! Good evening."

Kim followed Pie’s greeting and said,  "Good evening mom! I brought flowers for you."

Pie’s mom received the flowers and replied,  "Good evening to you too and thanks for the flowers, Kim."

"Come in!"  Pie’s mom added.

Kim sat beside Pie while her mom sat on the opposite side, facing them.

Pie’s mom knew her daughter well.  From her uneasy expression,  she knew that Pie has something to ask or say to her, at least.

"Okay, you two.  Spill it out."  Pie’s mom ordered.

It took them a little while to answer.

"Well, mom...  Kim bought a new condo unit and.. Well... Kim and I agreed to move in together." Pie answered.

Miria’s eyes opened wide.  She was surprised to hear it.

"It isn’t far from here mom.  It’s just 20 minutes away from here when you drive.  And... We are here to ask for your blessing.  My father already agreed to it and we’re hoping you’ll be okay with this too."  Kim followed Pie up.

Pie’s mom didn’t know how to react.  She raised her eyebrow, looked at Kim and said, "I am delighted to know that you have so much respect for my opinion, Kim.  But you’re putting me in a difficult situation.   You know, Pie’s my only child.  I can,’t give you an answer now."

The three of them went silent for a while.

"Kim, thank you for being here with Pie.  I know that you needed a lot of courage to be here and ask me that. But,  I think I need sometime to think about it.  And, with all due respect,  I want to talk to my daughter alone."  Miria uttered.

Kim understood Miria’s reaction and said,  "Yes, mom.  I understand.  Sorry for saying all these, all of a sudden."

Kim stood up and said her goodbye,  "Pie, I’ll go ahead."

"Mom,  I’ll go now.  Thanks for listening to us."  Kim bid goodbye.

Miria followed Kim on her way out through her eyes.  When she was certain that Kim was gone, he looked at Pie and said, "Pie it’s only you and me now.  Let’s talk."

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