Chapter XI - Surprise dad!

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It was 4 in the morning and it was still dark outside.  Pie woke Kim up early.

“Kim! Kim! Wake up!   We have to prepare breakfast.” Pie ordered Kim.

“What now Pie?  I’m still sleepy.  Let our helper do their job.” Kim answered back.

“Kim, please wake up!  I want to surprise your father about us getting back together.  Please, Kim!” Pie begged Kim.

Pie knew that Kim couldn’t deny her request, as always.  Kim got out of the bed with her eyes still closed.  Pie chuckled and remembered how Kim hated waking up too early.  Pie kissed

Kim on the cheek hoping she’ll regain her senses and be enthusiastic.

Kim suddenly opened her eyes and said, “There you go!  Now I’m awake, Pie.  Thanks for that energizer. Hahaha!”

Together, they washed their faces, brushed their teeth and combed their hair.

  They quietly went to the kitchen.  While Pie was preparing all the ingredients needed, she ordered Kim to inform their cook to not interfere with them.

“Kim, I will mix the flour, eggs and water for the pancakes.  But you go cook them okay?”  Pie asked Kim.

“So… Cooking is still not your thing huh, Pie?” Kim replied.

“You should know, Kim,  I have attended cooking classes.  I am just asking you to cook these pancakes because it is very delicate.  I don’t want to burn it or make it soggy.” Pie answered with confidence.
Pie and Kim worked together in preparing the breakfast for Kim’s dad.  They cooked pancakes, sunny-side-up eggs, bacon and hotdogs.  They arranged the table and placed the food.

It was already 5 in the morning and Kim’s dad was awake.  He entered the dining area and stopped all of a sudden.  His eyes opened wide, surprised of what he saw.  He knew that she saw Kim and she was real.  What he was unsure of was that Pie was sitting beside Kim, smiling at him.  He wiped his eyes and he couldn’t believe it until…

“Good morning uncle Podrick!” Pie greeted him enthusiastically.

“Oh my!  You really are here Pie!” He rushed towards Pie and hugged her. 

“How are you my dear?  I’ve missed you? It’s good to see you back! Do you know how long I and my daughter waited for your return?”  Kim’s dad said.

“I told you, Pie! Hahaha!” Kim said while laughing.  “Dad, you can let go of Pie now.  She won’t go anywhere,” she added.

“Before I answer all your questions, uncle, let’s eat breakfast first.  I’ve missed eating with the two of you.”  Pie expressed with delight.

After eating breakfast, Mr. Podrick called P’Ood to take charge of the ranch for a while.  He also told him that the “wife” of his precious child has returned.

The three of them gathered at the living room.  Pie was seated beside Kim while Kim’s dad was seated alone on the opposite chair.

“So how have you been, Pie?”  Kim’s dad asked.

“Honestly,  I had a very difficult year since Kim and I broke up.  I remember not being able to eat well.  I remember feeling not being able to breathe whenever I think about not seeing Kim again.  I also thought that I regret letting her go, that I should’ve just forgiven Kim of what she did but I knew that it was too late.  But as days passed by, I became tougher.  I promised to do well in everything I do for the people who loves me like my mom and my friends.”  Pie replied.

“I remember that night when I picked Kim up on your front gate.  It was very painful to me. Well, Kim’s life without you was difficult for the both of us.  It was difficult for me as her father to see her work herself to death just to avoid being sad due to your break up. Hmm… It was all in the past now.  I am just happy to see you here with us now, Pie?”  Mr. Podrick uttered back.

Then suddenly, Kim interrupted.  “Dad, I remember that night when you came to pick me up.  I was from Nan before going straight to Pie’s house.  I never told you I was coming back.  How did you know that I was there?”  Kim asked with curiosity.

Both Pie and her Dad laughed.

“Oh Kim, hahaha!  It was Pie who called and informed me that you needed my help.  She said that you were at her place and that you couldn’t go home due to heavy rain.  She didn’t tell me that you two broke up that time.  When I arrived at her place, to my surprise, you were standing in the rain with e very painful expression and already figured out what happened.”  Kim’s dad cleared everything.

“ I knew it!  You’ve always cared for me Pie even if you’re really mad at me.”  Kim said in a confident manner.

The three of them talked until before lunch time.  They’ve decided to prepare lunch together.  After eating lunch, Mr. Podrick had to leave because he needs to arrange deliveries for that day.  And, he knew that Kim and Pie wanted to be with just the two of them.  Mr. Podrick waved goodbye to the two of them.

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