XXXIV - Newly weds?

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It was already Friday night. Kim and Pie were talking on the phone.

"It's been a week Pie. And, we haven't even talked or planned anything yet. We have to buy stuffs for our new unit." Kim uttered.

"I agree with you, Kim." Pie replied.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Kim asked.

"Nope. Don't have any." Pie answered.

Kim said, "I'll pick you up at 10am. Let's go to the mall, buy furniture and appliances."

"Okay. I'll wait for you. Don't you dare be late! Don't oversleep." Pie insisted.

"Yes, Ma'am! I'll sleep now. I love you, Pie." Kim uttered.

"Good night, Kim! I love you more. I'll sleep early too." Pie said.

And the conversation ended. Both of them went to bed early. Each of them were very tired from work and they wouldn't want to be late for tomorrow's activity.

The next morning. Kim arrived at Pie's place on time. Pie's mom opened the door for her.

"Come in, Kim. I think, Pie's still asleep. You can go to her room and wake her up." Pie's mom said. "If I may ask, where are you two going?" She added.

"Thanks for letting me in, mom. We're going to the mall to buy stuffs for our new place." Kim replied.

"Okay, go upstairs and wake her now." Pie's mom agreed.

Kim ran upstairs and went inside Pie's room. She sat in the bed and kissed Pie on her lips. Pie opened her eyes.

"Good morning, Pie! Now, who's late today?" Kim teased her.

Pie realized that she was the one who overslept. She quickly jumped out of her bed.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, Kim." Pie screamed.

Pie ran to her closet, grabbed some clothes and towel.

"Take your time, Pie! We're not on a hurry." Kim reiterated.

Pie ran to her bathroom, took a shower and dressed up.

"Let's go, Kim!" Pie said. "Let's just use your car again for today." she added.

Pie held Kim's hand and pulled her as they ran towards the front door and to Kim's car.

On their way to the mall, "Kim, I'm really looking forward to this day. I am so excited to buy our stuffs for our new home together." Pie uttered.

Kim held Pie's hand and said, "Me too, Pie. I feel like we're newly weds."

Pie blushed upon hearing Kim's comment.

Finally, they arrived at their destination.

"So where do you want to go first? Appliances section, Personal stuff or furniture area?" Kim asked.

"Let's go to the furniture area first." Pie replied smiling.


Sorry guys, if am not updating my story often, nowadays. I have a fever and I'm not feeling well. Just trying my best to update my story today.

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