XXXII - Expect the unexpected.

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Pie became more uneasy.  Kim was gone and mom’s eyes looking at her made her weak.

Her mom broke the silence, "Pie, I have finally accepted Kim for you.  And now, you want to leave me all alone in this house?"

"Mom, please don’t get mad at me.  I love Kim.  And, all I ever wanted is to be with her everyday.  I have dreamt of waking up every morning and see my love beside me and now that I have Kim..."  Pie said but wasn’t able to finish her reasoning.

"I am not mad, Pie.  I am just really sad knowing that my only daughter and companion in life is moving in with another person."  Her mom reiterated.

Miria’s sad words made her realize that her mom was hurting.  Pie then stood up and sat beside her mom.

"Mom, I’m sorry if I am being selfish.  I never wanted to hurt you.  But please understand me.  You know that I love you so much.  But this new chapter in my life is about me and the partner that I chose to be with."  Pie consoled her mom.

"Do you really want to leave and get rid of me?"  Her mom asked.

"Mom, don’t make it sound like I’m abandoning you.  Please..  And I’m just moving in with Kim not going out of the country.  And as Kim told you,  the place is just 20 minutes away from here.  You can always visit me there.  And, I will visit you often here.  I promise."  Pie replied.

Both of them were silent for a moment.  Pie’s mother still couldn’t decide. 

She stood up and said,  "I’m going to bed now, Pie.  I can’t give you my answer yet."

Her mom walked away and went straight to her room. 

Pie didn’t stop her mom.  She knew that it’s not going to be easy for her mom to accept.  She knew that she has to give her mom sometime to decide on that matter. 

On her room,  Miria was lying on her bed.  She couldn’t sleep.  She hated the idea of being alone but she didn’t want her daughter ending up hating her.

"I knew that someday, Pie will have her own life.  But it happened so fast.  I only have her in my life.  What should I do?"  She said to herself.

Miria wasn’t aware that she had fallen asleep.

The next morning, Pie had to go to work early.  But before she go, she cooked breakfast for her and her mom.  She left a note saying, "Mom,  I have to leave early.  Again,  I’m sorry for being selfish.  I will wait for your blessing before I move out.  No matter how long it takes.  I love you mom."

Her mom saw the note that Pie left.  Then she realized, it wasn’t Pie who’s being selfish.  It was her.  She realized that Pie is old enough to male her own decisions.  Though, it was difficult for her,  she knew that she has to let go.

Miria finished the breakfast that Pie prepared for her.  She then reached for her phone and started typing a message for Pie,  "Pie,  thanks for the breakfast you made.  You have my blessing."

Pie’s phone then beeped.  She opened the message and read it.  Pie’s tears fell down.  Her mom’s message was short but it was all that she needed.  She couldn’t believe that her mom would easily agree to it.

Kim, on the other hand, received a text message from Pie’s mom.  "Kim, I  giving you my blessing. I myself couldn’t believe that I will agree to it this quick.  But I do not want to have an argument again with my daughter.  I realized that there is no point in prolonging my decision making.  You’ll end up doing it anyway and you both are in the right age to make tour decisions.  Just promise me that you’ll always take care of my daughter.  Never ever try hurting her again.  Don’t ever make me regret my decision."

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