Chapter II - Pie in her room

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The night Kim and Pie broke-up, Pie couldn’t stop herself from crying.  All of her good memories with Kim came rushing back to her.  The first day they met, she saw Kim’s smile, the first time Kim cooked for her, the first time she held Kim’s hand, the first time she asked Kim to play a song and Kim looked at her with deep emotions,  the first time Kim asked her out and the first time they kissed. She knew those memories would never happen again.  What makes her feel worse? She lost her best friend, her sister, her lover plus the fact that she will never see Kim’s smiling face again.  She could hear her mom knocking on her door, pleading for her to come out or at least open her door but Pie didn’t want to talk to anyone else.  She still feels that her mom won’t understand her love for Kim and what she has been going through right now.  That night, how she wished to have a parent, like Kim,  who accepts who she loves no matter what.

Then she heard a car honking.  The car stayed for a while and then she knew it was for Kim.  After a few minutes she heard the car beep for the last time as if it was signaling goodbye to her and the car was gone.  She went outside and confirmed that Kim has left.

Pie cried all night long until she fell asleep.

Pie was hurt really bad that even in her dreams all she could see was Kim and herself breaking up.  She could still feel the heavy rain touching her skin as if the heaven is watching, hurting and crying with them.

Suddenly, Pie was awake at 4a.m.  She could still feel her heart aching as if there’s a dagger deep in it.  All she could think about is Kim and she doesn’t know what to do.  She doesn ’t know where or how to start again. 

Kim is her first love.  She knew that it’s a forbidden love to most people but she chose to still love Kim.  Deep inside her heart, she knew that she wasn’t able to show Kim the love that Kim deserved and that maybe Kim grew tired of her trying to keep their relationship discreet and pretending that they were just friends to avoid others eyes. 

Pie knew she made a mistake.  But then, she also asked herself,  "Is that enough reason for Kim to cheat? I was always like that with her.  We fight more often but we still ended up okay.  Just because she had Yam, Kim suddenly changed and thought that I’m the worst lover?" As she cried again.

She was awake the entire time her mom was trying to talk to her.  She even heard her mom calling P’Van for help.  She heard P’Van’s voice calling out to her and asking her to open the door.  She knew that her mom and her friend was so worried about her and she never cared.

The sun had already set and Pie heard P’Van leaving their home.  She also heard her mom talked to her before going to sleep and it made her cry again.

It was 7:30pm and Pie is holding on to her mobile phone hoping that Kim will try to talk to her.  She waited for hours only to get disappointed. In her mind she asked, "She cheated on me.  She should be the one apologizing right?  Did she already gave up on me that easily?"

Pie was so confused of who’s at fault.  She blames herself for losing Kim at one point then blames Kim for cheating on the other.  But the biggest dilemma she asked herself was, "How am I going to face tomorrow without Kim by my side?"


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