XXV - Drunk in Pain.

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Pie felt so lost.  She didn’t know how to face Kim.  She made a mistake, a huge one. 

She found herself pulled over at a pub.

"What am I doing here? I don’t drink." she said to herself.  "Oh, what the heck!  I think l need one." Pie added.

She went inside the Pub. The place was crowded.  She went straight to the bar tender’s nook and sat on the only empty chair.

"Tequila shots, please," Pie ordered.

Pie doesn’t drink. She knew she has low tolerance on alcohol.  But, she didn’t know what to do or who to talk to.  She felt that she needed a booze to help her ease the pain in her heart. She wanted to drown herself and forget what she did to Kim even for just a while.

Pie didn’t notice she’s consumed more than she could handle.  Pie was drunk.  She felt dizzy.  She tried to stand up but coudn’t carry herself, almost falling to the floor.

"Are you alright?"  An unknown person held her arm and helped Pie sat on the chair again.

"Oh! Hello! I’m Pie and I have a broken heart."  Pie said with a smile.

"Wow! Hi Pie! I’m Zee.  And I bare the same problem." She answered.

"One more shot please."  Pie ordered.

The bartender was about to give Pie another shot of tequila but Zee stopped him.

"Jeff, my man, the lady has had enough.  She’s already drunk.  Enough man."  Zee uttered.

"No, Mr. Bartender.  Pour me another glass."  Pie insisted.

Jeff, the bartender, poured another and said, "Zee, the lady has spoken.  I do not want her get mad at me."

Pie drank the tequila shot and asked, "So,Zee, What’s your problem?"

"Well, My girlfriend broke up with me and to cut the story short, she’s found a new girlfriend.  So, I am here... Drowning myself with alcohol." Zee replied.

"Nice!"  Pie said.

"Nice?  I said we broke up."  Zee got back.

"Oh! I’m sorry.  That’s not what I meant.  I mean, nice, because I have a girlfriend too.  I’m not sure if she still is though.  I made a big mistake, you see."  Pie responded.

"That’s okay.  So, tell me about it." Zee replied.

The alcohol made Pie talkative.  She told Zee everything about her and Kim.  How they started dating,  How Kim cheated on her, How they got back together and how she doubted Kim and slapped her hard earlier. 

"What am I gonna do, Zee?"  Pie asked.

"You love her?"  The only question Zee asked.

"Of course!"  Pie answered.

"Then you should just apologize.  You knew it was your fault.  You should talk to her.  Everything’s gonna be alright if you two communicate.  Based on your story,  that Kim, loves you so much.  She might be mad right now, but I’m sure, she will forgive you."  Zee uttered.

"I can’t Zee."  Pie replied and started crying.  "I fear that, Kim will never forgive me for what I did."  she added.

"Kim loves you, Pie.  You know that, right?  Are you just gonna escape what you did and just let her go? Just talk!  As for me,  I’ve tried talking to my girlfriend to patch things up.  It turned out, she’ll move to another country with her new found love." Zee answered back.

"You’re good! You should be doctor love! Hahaha!"  Pie chuckled.

"Yes, I know.  I give great advice but couldn’t fix my own love life."  Zee laughed back.  So, what are you still doing here? Go to her. Now!"  she added.

Pie drank another tequila shot and stood up.

"Thanks, Zee.  I’ll go now."  Pie told her.

Pie walked away.  She could barely walk to the exit.  She hopped in to her car.  She was so dizzy, she couldn’t put in the car key.  When she finally got it in and got the car started, someone knocked on her window. 

Pie rolled down her window and said,  "What do you want?"

"Pie, it’s Zee, remember?"  Zee uttered.

"Oh!  Right...  I’m sorry.  I’m just too damn drunk, I couldn’t see you clearly."  Pie answered.

"Let me drive you home to your Kim.  I won’t take no for an answer."  Zee insisted.

"Okay.  Alright!  If you say so.  I can’t drive anyway.  And... You’re a girl, right?"  Pie asked.

"Yes, sure am!"  Zee replied.

"Then I’m safe.  So, where’s your car?"  Pie asked back.

Zee laughed at what she said and pointed her car.  Pie got out of her car.  Pie couldn’t walk straight, so, Zee helped her reached her car. Pie told her the name of Kim’s ranch and it’s exact location then passed out.  Zee was familiar with the location and so she stated driving.

"And she almost killed herself on a car accident."  Zee said yo herself and chuckled.

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