Chapter XV - Here Comes P'Van

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It was 5 in the morning, when Kim’s phone rang  and it made her woke up.

"Who could be calling me this early?"  Kim said to herself.  "Hello," she added.

"Kim, wake up already!  You’ll be late in the opening of the exhibit today." Pie shouted.

"Oh, right!"  Kim replied, as her eyes widened.  "Thanks for waking me up, Pie. Bye!" She concluded in a hurry.

"What the?  Didn’t even said I love you?"  Pie reacted with a frown.

Pie knew that Kim, being in a hurry, wouldn’t have anything for breakfast.  She prepared 3 sandwiches and warm milk placed in a thermos to retain its temperature.

Pie was first to arrive than Kim.  Since their tents are beside each other,  Pie set the table and chair in between it. She also prepared the food she brought for Kim. Then, Kim arrived.

"Good morning, Kim!  Hungry?"  Pie asked with a big smile.

"Wow!  This is great, Pie.  You’re the best!  Ohhh.. So hungry!" Kim replied with exaggeration.

Kim finished everything that Pie prepared for her.  Pie, on the other hand, was happy to see her precious, Kim, consumed all of it.

In a few minutes,  the exhibit has started.  The couple was very busy with their own businesses, having lots of potential costumers.

Came lunch time and both of them agreed to just order food for delivery.  They ordered a couple of burgers, drinks and two large potato fries.  As the delivery came,  they went to Pie’s car and decided to eat there.

"Pie,  have a bite of my burger." Kim ordered.

"What? We ordered the same burger, Kim." Pie replied.

"Come on, Pie.  Try it!  Try it!" Kim uttered back.

Pie surrendered and gave in to Kim’s request. 

After having a bite of Kim’s burger, "What’s that for, Kim?" Pie asked.

"Hmmmm.. Nothing.  I asked you to do it just because it’s sweet.  You know, sharing food with the one you love.  Haha!"  Kim exclaimed.

They both consumed their burgers until Kim suddenly had an idea to take advantage of Pie.

Kim kept both large potato fries from Pie’s reach.  She then ate one stick of
potato fries and acted like it tastes so good.

"Real mature, Kim.  Give me my share of the potato fries."  Pie reiterated.

Kim continued eating the potato fries still showing Pie how good it tastes.

"Please give me some, Kim?"  Pie begged her more.

Kim got one stick of the potato fries again.  She then bit it until the half while the other half is free for Pie to eat.

"Share it with me, Pie." Kim said while pointing at the other half intended for Pie.

Pie understood what Kim wanted to accomplish.  Pie’s face turned red.  Though she knew that people might see them kissing, she didn’t care.  She bit the other half and their lips touched.

Kim was blown away by the moment. She held Pie’s face and continued kissing her.  Pie didn’t want to stop either and returned the favor to Kim. Their kiss was so passionate that they wanted to stop but couldn’t.  Until..

Someone knocked on the window.  To their surprise,  P’Van was the one standing there, holding a plastic bag of food, very shocked as well.

The three of them weren’t able to move for quite sometime.  Pie didn’t know what to do or where to start explaining.

Kim took full responsibility.  She opened the window on her side.  She knew that she needed not to explain anything to P’Van.

"Long time no see, P’Van." Kim greeted him with a smile.

P’Van intentionally, didn’t took notice of Kim.  He looked at Pie instead and said, "Pie, does your mom know this?"

Pie knew what he meant.  She thought that this time, P’Van will inform her moom of what he saw.

"P’Van, please don’t tell mom.  She doesn’t know anything yet.  I.." Pie was not done talking yet, as Kim butted in.

"Let me handle this, Pie." Kim said while getting out of the car. "Let’s talk somewhere else, P’Van."  she added.

P’Van accepted and they walked to the nearest bench where Pie can’t hear them.


Who can smell some fighting in the next chapter? :-)

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