XXXVII - Kim's all grown up

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Kim arrived home.  She went straight to her room.  She was so tired from shopping the whole day.  She laid on her bed and fell asleep in an instant she forgot to pack her things.

The next morning,  Kim’s phone rang.  She reached for it and saw that it was Pie.

"Hello, Pie.  It’s too early to call.  Is something wrong?"  Kim said with her eyes still closed.

Pie laughed and said, "Sorry, Kim!  I’m just so excited, to move in with you today,  I woke up 2 hours early.  I will check all my things and see if I forgot anything.  You should do the same."

Kim’s eyes widened.  She hasn’t pack anything and she couldn’t tell Pie.  Good thing,  Pie was too excited, she woke up Kim early.

"Right, Pie!  Of course, I’m excited too.  Bye..!" Kim said in a hurry and ended the call.

Kim got out of her bed quickly.  She took out all her clothes and put it in a bag.  She was panicking.  She needed help, so she ran to his fathers room and knocked real hard.

"Dad! Dad!"  Kim shouted.

The noise she made was enough to wake her Dad up.

He opened the door and said, "Kim,  it’s too early on a Sunday.  What do you.."

Kim didn’t let his dad finish speaking.  She pulled her father up to her room.  "Dad,  help me pack my things.  Pie and I agreed to move in today.  She’ll kill me if I’m late.  I fell asleep last night because I was so tired."

With the help of her father, she was able to pack her books, clothes and important documents in 1 hour.  And because Kim’s ranch is farther than Pie’s home to their new unit,  Kim had to dress up and leave early.  Her dad helped her carry her boxes,to her car. When done,  K hopped in to her car.

"Dad, thanks for helping me out.  I’m sorry if I have to leave like this.  I’ll talk to you soon.  I love you."  Kim uttered.

"No worries, tiger!  Anything for you.  Just come here tomorrow for work, okay?  Be careful on your driving.  Take care of Pie, always.  I love you too."  Kim’s dad replied.

Kim started driving.  She opened her car’s window so she could stuck her hand out and wave at her father while her father stood there and was waiving at her.  A few moments later and Kim was gone. 

Kim and her dad felt sadness and both were teary eyed.

"My wife, Kim has grown into a wonderful and responsible young adult. I’m sure, you’re so proud of her, like me." Kim’s dad whispered.

Podrick’s phone beeped.  He reached for it only to see Kim’s message.  Written on it was the address of her new place.

He chuckled and said, "This kid, really.  I miss her already."

Kim’s dad was lonely.  He then went upstairs and went in Kim’s room.  He sat on Kim’s bed.  He looked at the four corners of the wall and looked at some things that Kim didn’t bring with her. 

All of Kim’s childhood that he could remember came rushing back to him.  How Kim didn’t speak for a week when her mom died.  How she smiled again.  How she had her first fight with a playmate.  How she called him every time she had a bad dream.  How she ran to his room every time the electricity shuts off.  How she cooked breakfast for him for the first time.  How he took care of her when she’s sick and vise versa. How she fell in love for the first time.  How time passed by so quickly and now, Kim’s all grown up and is now moving in with her partner in life.

Podrick’s tears was about to fall, when he realized that Kim forgot her laptop, some important papers and Key duplicate to the new unit.

"Of course!  That kid!"  Mr. Podrick said and chuckled.

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