LXI - She's just a friend.

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Pie’s PoV

When I heard some footsteps coming to the room.  I placed Kim’s phone back on our bed while I pretended to sleep.

I wouldn’t want to nag her at that instant because I’ve learned my lesson back when I saw her in this very same condo with our friend Jane.

And.... I also would like to let Kim tell me about that freakin’ flirty witchy b*tch..  I want her to tell me willingly who she is..  And if she doesn’t!!!!  Someone will fall down dead!!! Heck!! Heads will roll tonyt!!! Well, it’s either her or the b*tch!! Ohh!! I know... Why not both of them.. Excuse my language.. ;-)

So Kim came in then sat on the bed beside me.  She kissed me on the cheek, "Pie, wake up.  I prepared breakfast."

I then pretended to stretch, "Hmmm... Kim... Good Morning.."

We both stood up and walked towards the kitchen.  Kim started to place some food on my plate then placed some on hers.

No one’s speaking... Kim!!! I’m f*ckin’ waiting!!! You better get started!!!

"So Pie... About the... uhmmm..."

Go Kim... go on...

"About the conference.. Well... I’d appreciate it if you’ll  allow me.."

"I’d think about it.. Give me some time.."  Ohh Kim!!!  That is so not what I wanted to hear from you!!!

"Okay... I understand.." She replied.

End our breakfast ended without her telling anything about that sl*t!!!!  I usually don’t curse but the nerve of that Aya!!!

We both parted ways going to our work place.

I swear!!! If this night ends without her saying anything about Aya!!!  Our place will be covered with blood!!!  GREAT!!! NOW I’M SWEARING..

My whole day ended without Kim, still not saying a word about Aya..

You have your last chance in our dinner, Kim!!!

I arrived home and kind of surprised to see Kim placing the food she prapared in our dining table because usually, she comes home late due to the fact that her workplace is farther than mine.

Kim noticed my arrival and she quickly ran to me, grabbed my coat and bag then kissed me in my cheek.

"Welcome home, Pie.  Dinner is served.  Come.. Let’s eat.  I know you’re tired and hungry."

She held my hand and pulled me to our dining table and let me sat on an empty chair.

We started eating dinner.  Kim started speaking about her work.  I wasn’t really listening to her because that’s not what I wanted to hear from her.

Suddenly, her phone rang..  Kim reached for her phone and looked at the caller i.d.

"Pie, i’ll quickly answer this call.. I’ll be back." She said.

Kim stood up and walked as far enough as to where I couldn’t hear her talk.


Kim’s PoV

"Hi, Aya."

"Hello, cutie." 

"So what’s up..??" I asked.

"Well, well.. So after our short convo this morning, finally, you saved my number with my name on it.. Don’t worry, I don’t hate you anymore.."  She said and chuckled.

"What are you talking about?  What convo?"  I answered.

"Hello...? We texted remember..?  You even asked me who I was and that’s when I found out that you haven’t saved my number yet." -Aya

"Uhmm.. Sorry I really couldn’t remember.  But fyi, I saved your number around lunch time."  I said.  Though, I have an idea of the person who pretended to be me. No.. Scrap that.. I’m certain of who the culprit was. 

"Yeah.. whatever.  By the way, I called to inform you that our highschool batch will be having a reunion on Sunday, 8pm onwards." -Aya

"Hmmm... I think I don’t have any commitment that night.  I’ll check my sched and I’ll text you."

"Alright!  But I hope you’d come." -Aya

"Oh.. And can I bring a plus one?"  I asked.

"What..?  You have a girlfriend now?"  She asked as she laughs.

I frowned, "And what if I have?"

Aya wasn’t able to answer quickly..

"Hello, Aya? Are you still there..?"

"Uhmm.. Yup, still here.  Sure you can bring her with you.  And.. Uhmmm.. Sorry,  I gotta go.."  -Aya

"Uhmm.. Okay..?  Bye.." 

I ended the call.  While walking back to the table.  I was thinking, Pie knew all about Aya and she hasn’t asked a single question.  If I put the puzzle together.  Of course, she would want to hear it from me.

Pie’s PoV

I couldn’t hear a word of what Kim was saying.  I also am clueless of who she’s talking too.

Kim’s smiling while talking to who ever it is she’s talking to.  My guts tell me that it’s that girl again. 

Ohh.. Kim.. You should speak tonight!!!!

Their conversation’s ended as Kim is now walking back.

She’s now seated again.

I was frowning the whole time.. Before I could ask who called..

"Pie,  I forgot to tell you last night because you were so sleepy and this morning too because I was kind of in a hurry.  I met my childhood best friend last night at Aunt In’s cafe.  Her name’s Aya."

My facial expression started to relax when I heard the word best friend. 

Good thing, I didn’t over react, again, this morning.  But.. It still doesn’t make sense why that Aya girl seems to be flirting with her and calling her cutie!!!

"And.. We have a reunion on Sunday night.  I told her that If I’m free that night, I’ll go. And I also told her I’ll bring my girlfriend with me."  Kim said with a pleading smile as if the decision is in my hands again.

I stopped eating for a while..

Kim told her best friend that she’ll bring her girlfriend with her.  The way I see it, Kim only looks at this girl as an old friend.  Now.. Now... It’s this Aya girl that’s bothering me..  I should meet her!!!

"Okay, Kim.  Let’s go together." I answered as I smile at her.


A/n:  Brace yourself for the next coming chapters :-)

Sorry if the past few chapters are boring.  It’s just that I have to keep the story going and set up the tone for for the coming ones :-)

vote and comment.. pleasee.. pleaseeee... To keep me going..

And for Citizens of Vietnam who were asking me for Vietnamese translation.  My new friend from Vietnam will translate my work.  I’ll keep you posted when she’s done.


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