L - It's getting hotter!

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Kim emptied all her cups.  She felt the alcohol kicking in.

Kim burped.

"Pie,  I still get to dare you right?"  Kim asked.

Pie nodded so Kim stood up and went to the fridge.  She took out one bottle of tequila and limes.  Kim then sliced the limes and placed it in a plate.  She also placed some salt in a saucer so she can place it in the plate containing the lime.

Kim walked back to where she left Pie, holding a bottle of tequila and sliced lime on the other.  And they sat on the floor.

"Round 2!  Body shots!"  Kim celebrated.

"Kim, we already drank beer.  We should go to sleep."  Pie insisted.

"Pie, I dare you! You can only obey!" Kim uttered. "In drinking this,  we take turns again."  She added.

"Yeah!  Whatever!" Pie reacted. "I’ll start!"  She volunteered.

Pie picked up few salt and placed it in Kim’s hand.  Pie licked the salt and drank her tequila shot then bit the lime.

Kim now poured tequila on the glass.  She then placed some salt on Pie’s arm, licked it, drank her share and bit the lime.

Pie then did the same to Kim.

When it was Kim’s turn. Kim placed some salt on pie’s shoulder.  (remember that Pie is shirtless)  Kim licked the salt,  drank her tequila shot and bit the lime.

Pie was feeling extra hot but was not sure if it was because of the tequila or because of Kim’s touch.  Before things get out of hand and lose their control...

"Kim, let’s stop this.  I’m drunk!"  Pie admitted.

Pie knows her limitation based one her first encounter with alcohol.

"Okay, Pie.  You can stop drinking.  I’ll be considerate to you.  But I want more, so let me drink."  Kim said.

"No.. That’s enough Kim!"  Pie reiterated.

"Pie... You drank so much last time and passed out.  I want to experience that.. Let me be drunk tonight."  Kim explained.

Pie couldn’t do anything to stop Kim.

Kim suddenly stood up and said,  "Pie help me carry this bottle, lime and salt to the coffee table.  My legs are getting numb."

Pie helped Kim as she requested.  Kim then sat on the chair beside the coffee table. 

Pie was about to sit on the other chair when Kim suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.  This time,  Pie was forcefully seated on Kim’s lap.

Pie was about to stand up when Kim back hugged her so that she could not move away.

"Where are you going, Pie?  I need your support at least."  Kim uttered.

Kim has exceeded her alcohol limitation. She’s slowly losing control.

Kim then poured tequila, picked more salt, and poured it all over Pie’s shoulders. 

Kim quickly licked the salt on Pie’s shoulders and drank her tequila shot.

Kim lost all control and was seduced by Pie’s smooth skin.

Kim started kissing Pie’s arm, then up her shoulder, her neck and nape. 

Both of their bodies were burning due to the alcohol and what Kim’s doing.

Kim was not slowing down.  She continued kissing and licking Pie’s shoulder and neck.

Kim went a little lower and kissed Pie’s back.  She kissed her all over Pie’s revealed smooth back and it made Pie tremble.  Pie held on to Kim’s hair, almost pulling it as she squeezed tighter.

No one wanted to stop.  Kim could’t stop herself.  Kim could only think of removing the only cloth that’s covering Pie’s upper body.  Pie’s mind was blank and could only feel the sensation.

"Oohhh! Kim!"  Pie whispered.  "It feels weird but it’s so good!"  Pie added.

Kim made up her mind.  She knew that Pie was so in to it and will not stop her.  She was still sitting on Kim’s lap.  Kim moved her hand.  Singlehandedly and with one try,  she was able to unhook Pie’s brassiere.

Pie was a bit surprised.

Pie then stood up.  She pulled Kim up too.  Pie quickly hugged and kissed Kim as not to reveal her bosom to Kim.

Their kisses were intense as their tongues entwined.

Kim lead Pie to the bed while they’re kissing.  When they reached the bed,  Kim pushed Pie down.  Kim can now see Pie’s entire upper body.

It was as white as pearl and as smooth as porcelain.  Kim was again seduced by Pie’s body.  Kim was seriously staring at her body.

Pie blushed and covered her face.

"Don’t stare too much."  Pie uttered.

Kim slowly went on top of Pie.  She removed Pie’s hand on her face and hugged her tight.  Pie then hugged her back.

Pie was still unsure to do what Kim wanted and suddenly...

"Zzzzzzzzzz...."  Kim was asleep and snoring.  She was so drunk, she fell asleep on top of Pie.

Pie laughed hard and pushed Kim back to the bed.

"Ohhh! Kim!  That was intense!  You almost convinced me do more."  Pie said and chuckled.

Pie stood up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

While Pie was on the shower,  Kim took of her shirt because she was feeling hot, though unconscious.

Pie was done showering.  She then dressed up and went back to bed.  To her surprise, she saw Kim shirtless.

Pie laughed again,  "Oh! Kim!  I’ll get my revenge tomorrow."

Pie tucked herself in.  Covered herself and Kim with blanket.  And the rest is history....

***sorry guys.  i said i’ll write some adult stuff but this is all I could do.. I can’t go any further because I feel like i’m violating our beloved Tina specially Aom.  Our Kim and Pie may not like it.  Let’s consider their feelings.. I hope u understand.******


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