XXVII - Instant Celebrity

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Pie woke up at 12:30  in the afternoon.  Her head was badly hurting.

The first thing she did was look for Kim who wasn’t beside her.  When she realized that,  she called out for Kim.

"Kim!  Kim!  Where are you?"  Pie shouted.

The door suddenly opened.  Kim entered holding a tray of soup and a very cold water for Pie.  Kim sat on the bed and laid down the tray on the side table.

Quickly,  Pie sat up and hugged Kim tight.

Tears fell down her cheeks.

"I’m so sorry Kim.  I didn’t..."  Pie said.

Kim interrupted,  "It’s all good Pie.  We’re okay now.  If only I knew you’ll give me a difficult night,  I wouldn’t have gotten mad."

"I made you soup.  I know you don’t feel like eating heavy meal right now.  This soup will make you feel better.  And, this cold-cold water too.  Also,  drink this medicine to help ease your hangover."  Kim added.

"Kim,  I can’t eat by myself.  Help me, please." Pie asked while showing Kim a poor but cute puppy look.

Kim chuckled and replied, "Alright, my love."

Pie smiled and Kim aided her in eating the soup. 

While eating...

"By the way, Pie,  Did you not bring your car last night?  How did you go home?"  Kim asked.

"Hmmmm... I’m not so sure about that.  I remember talking to some girl.  I think she gave me an advice.  I couldn’t drive myself home so she lend a hand." Pie replied.

"Are you sure she’s a girl?"  Kim asked back.

"Yes, I’m sure!  Oh!  Right!  I left my car at the pub!" Pie shouted.

"Let’s just get it tonight.  Here, finish your soup.  You have to rest more.  Go get some more sleep."

When Pie was done eating, she drank the medicine and laid down the bed.

"Kim..... Can you stroke my hair to help me sleep and feel better, please..."  Pie requested almost crying.

"Okay!  Okay!  You do not have to cry, Pie.  But you must keep in mind, I’m not tour mother."  Kim said and laughed.

Kim laid down beside Pie and started stroking her hair.  When Pie was almost asleep.  Her phone suddenly rang.

Pie was startled for a bit but managed to reach for her phone and answered the call.

"Hello, P’Van?  Why are you calling me.  We’re not in good terms yet."  Pie reiterated.

Kim couldn’t hear P’Van’s response and suddenly...

"What?  On the news?  Me? On the news paper and online news too?"  Pie added.

"No!  I’m with a girl last night! Well, I couldn’t remember well."  Pie told P’Van.  "Alright,  I’ll check it right now.  Thanks.. Bye...!"  she added and ended the call.

"Kim, open the television.  P’Van said I’m on todays noon time showbiz news."

Kim opened the TV quickly.

"Zee,  the very famous tom singer of today, has a new girl friend.  Here is a video uploaded on youtube by an unknown person showing Zee talking to the ’new girlfriend’ riding in her car and leaving the pub together."  The reporter on TV said.  "The video is now viral.  Everyone’s talking about it.  No one knows who the said ’new girlfriend’ is.  We tried asking Zee for the truth but she has yet to release any public statement.  Who could this new girl may be? We’ll find that out for you. In the meantime,  I’ll go now and sniff more showbiz news! Bye!"  The reporter added.

Pie and Kim were startled.  They both didn’t know how to react to the news.


Zee is the new character.  I used her real name and identity as a tom singer in Thailand.  I’m not familiar with her.  I just saw some videos of her online and she had a pictorial with tina (kim).  I also am aware of some fans wanting Zee in Yon 3 :-) enjoy guys.

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