XLV - Road Trip

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Their road trip started...

Kim was the first one to hold the wheels.  Pie on the other hand was busy calling Hotels&Resorts.  And after an hour of calling different hotels, finally, they chose Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort.  Pie availed a Beach Front/Ocean Front Suite for 3 days and 2 nights accommodation.

"Kim!  We have a hotel now."  Pie said enthusiastically.  "And it’s also a few minutes away from the center of night life and different activities in the area."  She added.

"Great work, Pie."  Kim complemented her.

"Kim..." Pie uttered.

"Yes?"  Kim answered.

"Kim..?"  Pie said, again.

"What?  Pie, just tell me already."  Kim reiterated.

"I’ll sleep for the remaining 2hrs of your driving.  Just wake me up when it’s my turn to drive, okay?"  Pie asked.

"No problem, Pie.  Just go to sleep. I’ll wake you up when I’m tired."  Kim said.

2 hours has passed and Kim was feeling sleepy.  Pie was sleeping, so Kim doesn’t have anyone to talk to and keep her awake.  Kim saw a fast food drive through and went there.  She ordered 3 large cups of coffee:  One iced and two hot.  She also ordered 2 sandwiches since they both had nothing to eat for breakfast.  Then Kim began to drive again.

While driving, "Pie,  wake up. Let’s eat breakfast." Kim said.

Pie opened her eyes and saw the food that Kim ordered.  Pie started eating her sandwich while drinking her hot coffee.

Kim, on the other hand, can only drink her hot coffee due to driving.  Pie noticed that and so she offered assistance to Kim.

"Here, Kim.  Let’s share with my sandwich first and then eat yours, after."  Pie offered.  "Come on!  Have a bite."  She added.

Kim accepted Pie’s offer.  Pie was holding the sandwiches the whole time they were eating.

"Thank you, Pie." Kim uttered as she had the last bite of the sandwich. "That’s really sweet." Kim added.

"Anything for you, my love."  Pie answered.

Pie went back to sleep.  It’s been five hours since Kim started driving.  She could’ve woken Pie up but Kim saw how Pie, like a child, was in deep sleep.

Another hour passed and Pie was awaken.

"Kim!  It’s been 6 hours since you started driving!  Why didn’t you wake me up?!"  Pie said in a loud tone.

"You look so peaceful and I wouldn’t want to wake you." Kim answered. "But since your awake now and I’m kind of tired.."  She added as she pulled over on the side of the road. 

Kim and Pie changed sit. Pie’s now driving while Kim rests on the passenger seat.

Kim felt tired and didn’t notice that she dozed off.

It’s been 3 hours since Pie started driving.  Pie pulled over at a restaurant to eat and rest for a while.

Pie woke up Kim and they both hopped of the car and went to the restaurant. They ordered food and it was served.

"Pie,  3 more hours and we’re there."  Kim said.  "I can almost smell the ocean."  She added.

Pie chuckled and replied,  "Yeah!  Whatever, Kim.  Just finish your food so that we can hit the road again."

After an hour of eating and resting a bit, the two of them hit the road again.  This time,  Kim was driving.

And after 3 more hours, they’ve finally reached their destination.

Kim, pulled over at the hotel entrance.  Hotel assistants came out and helped them carry their bags.  Kim handed her car keys to the parking attendant.  And the two of them went straight to the front desk to check in.

"Here are your Keys Ma’am.  Your bags will be carried to your room. Enjoy your stay here."  The receptionist welcomed them.

The two of them followed the lead of their helper.  Finally, they’ve reached the room. 

Kim and Pie was amazed to see how elegant their room was.  Both of them quickly went inside it.  Their helper put down all their bags.

"Thank you for helping as carry our things."  Kim said as she gave the helper some tip.

Kim closed their door then jumped to the bed and laid down.  She was so tired.

Pie, on the other hand, slid the clear glass door so that she can go to the veranda and see the beautiful ocean.

"Wow!  Kim,  don’t sleep!  Come over here and look at this amazing view."  Pie ordered.

Kim stood up and walked to Pie.  Kim then hugged Pie from the back.

The scene was perfect.  They saw how beautiful the sun set while a perfect wind temperature touches their skin.

"I wish we can just spend our forever, here."  Kim whispered to Pie then  kissed her on the cheek.

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