XVIII - I'm sorry

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On the way to Kim’s place, Pie texted P’Van and asked him not to tell her mom about Kim because she wanted to be the one to tell her. 

Pie reached Kim’s home and it was already dark.  As she entered Kim’s house, she went straight to Kim’s room.  She tried to knock for several times, calling out Kim’s name and asking her to open her door but heard nothing. She tried to open it and to her surprise the door was never locked.

She saw Kim on her bed, sleeping.

She then lay down beside Kim and hugged her from the back.

"Kim,  I’m sorry.  Please don’t get mad anymore." Pie whispered to her.

Kim didn’t say a single word.  Pie noticed a glass of water and Kim’s medicine for migraine at the side table. 

Realizing that Kim slept due to migraine, Pie didn’t try to wake her up.  Pie stayed still, hugging Kim until she fell asleep.

A few hours later, Kim woke up.  She was surprised to see Pie sleeping beside her.  Kim didn’t want to wake her up just to have an argument.  She noticed Pie’s phone was ringing.  Kim then grabbed and saw that it was Pie’s mom.  It made her more uneasy, when she saw 23 missed calls and 10 unread messages, all coming from Pie’s mother.

When Kim was about to stand up, she heard Pie saying,"I’m really sorry, Kim."
Hearing those words Kim went to her veranda and looked up at the sky.

It was cloudy.  She couldn’t see the moon.  She couldn’t see any star.  She couldn’t see any bright spot in the sky and it made her sad.  She felt like the sky was letting her know, from here on, it’s not gonna be an easy path for the both of them. 

Kim closed her eyes. She was uncertain of what lies ahead of them.  The only thing she was sure of?  She couldn’t live without Pie in her life for the second time.  She knew that she should be prepared to always protect Pie and their love no matter what.

Kim’s anger earlier was gone.  She knew that Pie came to apologize to her.  She went inside the room and lay down to bed.  This time, it was her, who hugged Pie from the back. 

Pie was then startled and said, "Kim, you’re awake.  Are you feeling better?" Then faced Kim.

"Yes, Pie.  I’m okay." Kim replied.

"Kim, I’m..." Pie was about to say sorry, again.

But Kim interrupted, "It’s alright, Pie.  You don’t have to apologize.  I feel terrible for getting upset on you earlier."

Kim slowly moved her head close to Pie’s and kissed her on the forehead, down to her nose and down to her lips.

Their kiss was slow and passionate.  It was getting intense. Both of them couldn’t stop.  Pie moved and went on top of Kim.  They were still kissing.  Kim then took the courage and moved her lips to Pie’s ears.  Pie felt her whole body tremble.  She felt good.  It was the first time Kim did it.  Just as when they’re so into it,  Pie’s phone rang again.

Both of them were startled.  Pie moved back to the bed again. Both of them was unsure of what happened.  They were silent.

Kim broke the silence and said, "Go, Answer it.  It’s 2 in the morning,  I think your mom is worried."

Pie quickly answered the phone and said, "Hi, mom.  Sorry, I wasn’t able to inform you that I won’t be sleeping there tonight.  I am with my employees, we celebrated the success of this morning’s event.  My assistant got drunk so I decided to sleep over at her place."

Pie talked quickly.  She didn’t gave her mom the opportunity to nag her.  All her mom could say was, "Alright.  Just take care." 

Then they ended the call.  They’re facing each other on the bed.  Accidentally, they looked at each other’s eyes.  They both felt awkward and turned their eyes away.  Pie turned back and so as Kim.  They didn’t know what to say.  It happened so fast.

Pie and Kim couldn’t help but smile and then fell asleep.


I hope that you won’t get mad at me for adding some more to their romance.  I just thought of leveling it up a little bit.  I do not intend to offend other yon fans.  I just thought I had to include a little more passion and twist.  Don’t worry guys, I know that Pie and Kim has a wholesome relationship and we loved that about them.  I assure you that I will maintain it as it is and not go over. thanks

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