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Hey guys. Thanks for patiently waiting, especially to my friends Boodeasis and Michtenchavez. :)

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60 votes = another update

Thanks guys and enjoy.



Kim’s PoV


The first thing I did was to call Aya…

Aya:  Who’s this??

Me:  Guess who??

Aya:  Oh my God!!! Kim!!!!  It’s you right?

Me:  You do realize you just swore, right?? And yes, it’s me…

Aya:  You’re back!! I can’t believe it!!! Are you back for good??

Me:  Yup… I am so back but I’m not staying for long.  I’m just here for my father’s birthday. Tomorrow.

Aya:  Oh right!!!  So am I invited?

Me:  Duh?? It’s the most obvious thing in the world right now.

Aya: Good!!!  So???

Me:  Uhmm… I need your help for the preparation, AGAIN. :)

Aya:  I knew it!!! 




We agreed to meet at the nearest mall from this airport.  We’ll just grab some lunch and talk about my small surprise but for sure, Aya will ask tons of questions. :)



I am now standing in front of a restaurant inside a mall where Aya and I agreed to meet.  While waiting, I made calls to all our family friends, his buddies, some of his classmates and some of my friends, inviting them to my dad’s 50th birthday party.”



Aya saw me from not so far away and her initial reaction when she saw me was to run and hug me… :)

“Kim!!! Oh my God!! I missed you so much…”  She said. Her voice cracking like she was about to cry.  I just chuckled and replied, “I missed you too.  Sorry for not saying goodbye to you back then.  I was just so lost and I needed to be away from this place as soon as possible.  Plus, I knew you’d stop me from going away.”

Aya pulled away and she hit my arm over and over again..

“OUCH!!! What was that for?” I asked.

 “Those are for: not calling me when I told you to and choosing to be alone when you too broke up, not saying good bye, not calling me often when you were in Spain and God knows where else and for not calling that you’re coming home!!!”  Aya said, her eyebrow raised.

“What??? If it makes you feel better, you are the first person I called since my plane landed.”  I reasoned to her.

“Yeah, whatever you say.”  She uttered as she entered the restaurant leaving me behind.  So I followed her to the table where she was seated and stood there, “Still the same Aya, huh?”

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now