XLIII - Secret

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"Yes, it’s me.  Is there something wrong?"  Zee asked.  "I thought we’re friends?   And why do I feel like you hate me now, Pie?" She added.

"It’s not that I hate you.  It’s just that you’re not clearing my name on ’our issue’." Pie answered.

"That’s because,  If I speak and deny it,  they’ll be more suspicious. They’re like that.  It’s better if you don’tind them and let the issue die on its own."  Zee explained.

"Then, I shouldn’t be talking to you now. I’ll go ahead."  Pie uttered and just walked away. "And, stop following me!"  She added.

"I’m not following you!"  Zee shouted back.

Pie paid for all the groceries on her cart.  She headed to her car, placed all her shopping bags and hopped in her car.

"Kim,  I went to the supermarket and shopped. I’m on my way home.  See you."  Pie texted Kim.

Pie arrived at the building.  She was carrying all her shopping bags which were quite heavy.  She managed to ride the elevator and her door.

Pie was having difficulties reaching for the key’s on her bag because she was carrying a lot of shopping bags.

"Found it!"  Pie told herself as one bag of orange fruit fell down.  The oranges spilled and rolled over the corridor.

Pie started picking the oranges one by one until..

"Here, let me help you."  Pie heard someone speak.

She was about to thank the person.  She looked and saw that it was her again.

Pie frowned,  "Are you really gonna follow me until my home?!"

Pie has gotten into Zee’s nerves already,  "I was trying to help a neighbor! Never mind!"

Zee opened her unit’s door and said, "I live here!  Why would I follow you?"  And she closed her door.

Pie was left picking all the oranges when Kim suddenly arrives.

"Pie!  Stand up!  I’ll pick everything up for you.  Just get inside." Kim ordered Pie, so as not to have an opportunity to know that Zee lives next door.

"Oh! I’ll do it, Kim." Pie answered, so as to avoid Kim meeting Zee too.

Kim wasn’t aware that Pie already knows Zee’s existence in the very same floor of their unit and so as Pie.  They’re both hiding the truth to avoid confrontations and issues.

The both of them ended up picking it together quickly.  They then entered the building.

"Have you eaten dinner?"  Pie asked Kim.

"Uhmm.. Yes, Pie."  Kim answered.

Kim and Pie just stacked all the food in the shopping bags. Since both of them had dinner,  they decided to just go to bed.

Both of them were deeply thinking.  They were quiet and they both noticed it.

"Pie,  what’s bothering you?" Kim asked.

"Oh!  Nothing, Kim,  I’m just tired."  Pie replied.  "And you?  What’re you thinking about?" She added.

"Nothing, Pie. I’m just tired of work too.  Let’s just go to sleep."

Kim kissed Pie on the forehead and they both said their good night.  Then, Kim turned her back against Pie and is now facing the wall while Pie did the same thing, facing the other.

"I shoudln’t tell her."  Both of them said to themselves.

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now