LX - Cutie.... What???

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A/n: I wrote a long chapter.. Possibly the longest I’ve made.. Enjoy guys.. thanks for the support...

Wait for the 62nd chapter :-) i’ll surprise you with something :-)

Kim’s PoV

Pie left for work without saying much except for, "Bye, Kim.  I’m off to work."

And it bothers me because she probably hates me for intentionally peeking at her. But, what can I do?  Seeing her gorgeous body for the second time around was so inviting.


I finished work today and so far I’ve done stupid things here and there.  I couldn’t seem to focus due to her kick ass body that kept on playing in my mind.

Ugghh!! I hate me.

I heard my evil right brain again, What now?!  Don’t feel bad.  You’re young, it’s that age when all your hormones are raging.  Besides, you’ve been together for a long time.

My left brain then answered, No matter how you look at it, you should talk to her and apologize.  Just explain yourself.

Right brain: Oh for Christ sake!! Just do the do already!!!  You both are in the right age plus it’s natural for couples. duh?

And.. now... I’m talking to myself again.
I don’t think it’s the right time to be thinking about ’making love’.  After all,she was crying last night because she remembered how I cheated on her.  I should just apologize for earlier.  Period.

I realized that I’m now inside my car as my dad knocked on my window.  I rolled my window down for him.

"Kim, I notice that you’ve been spacing out a lot today.  What’s going on in that head of yours?

I shook my head, "Nothing dad.  Just tired."

"Alright Kid.  Go home." He replied then walked away.

Of course,  I can’t tell him how I humiliated myself in front of Pie because that’ll end up with my dad knowing I’m horny. Oh gosh!! The word.  Plus I don’t want him to him to know that we’re having problems with our trust issues. I don’t want him thinking too much now that he’s alone in the house.  I know he’ll worry to much.

I drove my way home but I found myself stopping at Aunt In’s cafe.

I entered her shop and put on a big smile.

She smiled back at me. I sat on the empty chair and Aunt In placed a glass of warm milk in my table and sat down.

She really knows me huh?

"Tell me about it, Kim."

I do not have to play hard to get with her.  She’s someone I can always talk to.

"Well,  we still have a problem with our trust issues." I started by telling her that. I told her that I might go on a conference out of the country if she allows me to.  And, how she cried the whole night because it brought up memories of my mistake and what she went through.

"Her reaction’s normal,Kim.  We both know that she hasn’t trusted you completely.  You should always make her feel that you’ll never commit the same mistake again.  Do more things to prove her you loyalty.  If she finds it in her heart to allow you to join the conference, prove her your sincerity and don’t so stupid things.  After all, someone’s trust is not easily given to you, you earn it."  She said.

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