XL - Strike 3!!!

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Kim opened the door for his dad.

"Hello, Kim!  I’m here!"  His dad said enthusiastically.

"Yeah!  I know."  Kim answered.  "And you always manage to come at the worst possible time."  She whispered.

"What did you say?"  He asked.

"Oh!  Nothing.  I said,  please come in!"  Kim smiled sarcastically.

Kim’s dad was amazed of what he saw.

"Wow, Kim!  This is a great place."  Podrick complemented Kim.  Where’s Pie, by the way?"  He added.

"She just finished taking a bath. She’ll come out any minute now."  Kim answered.  "Stay here, dad.  I’ll get you some coffee and biscuit."  she added.

Kim walked to the kitchen while Pie came out of the room.

"Oh!  Hello, Dad!"  Pie greeted.

"Hello, Pie."  Kim’s dad greeted her back.  "So...  You look fresh.  Did it already?  or  I arrived at the wrong time again?" He tease Pie.

Pie blushed but replied,  "Actually..."

Pie was about to answer his question but Kim stepped in,  "And you’re really gonna answer my dad?!"

Mr. Podrick and Pie chuckled.

"Dad,  what brings you here, all of a sudden?"  Kim asked.

"Well, you forgot your laptop, some papers and keys."  He said.

"Oh!  Thank you, dad."  Kim answered.  "But please call first and don’t surprise us like this all the time, popping out of nowhere."  She added.

"So,  I was right.  Wrong timing again, huh?!"  Kim’s dad reacted.

Kim looked at his dad with sharp eyes and the three of them laughed.

When Kim’s father finished his coffee, he bid farewell to them.

"Dad,  let me walk you to your car."  Kim offered.

"Sure, tiger.  Thanks"  He replied.

Pie on the other hand stayed to clean up.

"Good bye, dad.  Drive safely."  Kim reminded his father.

Kim’s dad hopped in his ride,  "Of course.  Take care of each other," and drove away.

Kim went back the building.  She then hopped in the elevator then pressed 2.  When the elevator door was about to close...

"Hold on!  I’m going up too!"  Someone shouted.

Kim quickly pressed the open button.  The unknown person entered and said,  "Thanks man!"

"No problem."  Kim said and realized that it was Zee.

Kim was startled. 

Zee was about to press her floor number... "Oh! So you’re from second floor too."

They’ve reached 2nd floor and so the door opened.

"Yup,"  was the only word Kim could say.

Kim hopped out first and Zee followed her.

"Why’re you following me?!"  Kim frowned and asked.

"I’m not following you.  My room’s 2-B."  Zee answered.  "And why are you upset with me?"

Kim realized that Zee doesn’t remember her face.  "No.  I’m not mad."  And entered her unit as soon as she reached it.

"What’s her problem?  Is she one of my haters?"  Zee asked herself.


You have spoken guys.. :-) i’ll make it perfect, sweet and a little funny.  For those asking if i have IG.  I made another one for our group.  You can add me guys.  @ytchelramirez

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now