Cahpter XXIII - Celebration

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A few more minutes and Pie knocked on P’Van’s car window.  Pie signaled P’Van to follow her.  P’Van went out of his car and followed Pie to the building. They went to the receptionist and Pie said,  "We are a visitor of Jane and Kim.  What unit are they in?"

Pie was not sure if the receptionist will give them Kim’s unit information.  She didn’t know what excuse to say and could only think of that excuse.

To their surprise,  "Unit 2-C ma’am.  That’s second floor," the receptionist replied.  "Enjoy your.."

Pie didn’t allow the girl finish her greeting.  She walked towards the elevator quickly as P’Van followed her.

Pie and P’Van reached unit 2-C.  Pie stood still and was trembling.  She was afraid to find out the truth.  She was debating over pressing the door bell or to just walk away.

"Pie, if you’re afraid.  Let’s just go." P’Van said.  But... You do not have to be afraid to see the truth.  I got your back!"  He added as he wanted Pie to see Kim’s mistake again.

P’Van’s words encouraged Pie to press the door bell and so she did.

The door opened.  Pie saw Jane holding a glass of champagne.  Pie felt very angry and weak at the same time.  She realized, she was right.  Kim cheated again.  Her knees were shaking.  She gathered herself together, walk past Jane and looked for Kim.  When Pie’s eyes caught Kim, holding her own glass.  She walked to her and slapped her really hard.

"What’s the meaning of this, Kim?"  Pie said with anger.

"I can explain, Pie." Jane butted in.

"I’m not talkin g to you, Jane!"  She replied loudly.

P’Van who was waiting outside the door, smiled.  He knew it was the end of their relationship.

"Answer me, Kim! Don’t just look at me!"  Pie added.

Kim was startled and was not able to react for a moment.  When everything sank in to her mind, she grabbed her things.  She looked at Pie as tears rolled down Kim’s face and left.

Pie was about to follow Kim until Jane held her arm and stopped her.

"What now, Jane?  What lies are you going to tell me?   You knew I  am still with Kim!  How could you do this to me?"  Pie said while crying.

She was about to slap Jane too but Jane was able to hold Pie’s hand and said,  "Listen to me, Pie!  We are not doing anything wrong! I am real estate sales agent.  Kim and I spent a lot of time this pas few weeks looking for a good condominium that would suit your taste.  Kim wanted to surprise you with this.  Everyday, after her work at the farm,  Kim came with me and meticulously  checked numerous units.  And we have just finished looking at this unit!"

"Really, Jane?  That was your best alibi? Checking this unit, you said?  Does checking unit include drinking champagne?"  Pie replied in disbelief. "Let’s go  P’Van. There’s no point in talking to Jane."  She added.

Before Pie went out the unit,  Jane opened here file case,  pulled out a certain document and showed it to Pie.

"Look at this, Pie!  This is the deed of sale, Kim signed earlier.  She has already purchased this unit!  She bought it for you!  Look closely!"  Jane said loudly while almost shoving the contract to Pie’s face. 

"We were drinking a glass of champagne as a little celebration for closing this deal!"  Jane added. 

Jane gave the deed of sale to Pie and left in an instant.  On her way out, she stared at P’Van for a moment then walked away.

Pie was holding the document.  She was in shock.  She knew that her accusations were wrong.  She knew that she hurt Kim really bad. She didn’t know what to do.  She felt so weak.  She fell on to her knees and sobbed.

P’Van was still outside the unit.  He also knew that he was at fault for accusing Kim of cheating.  He thought that this would lead Pie to her.  He gathered all his courage, entered the unit,  walked to Pie and helped her stood up.

"Pie,  I’m sorry.  Let’s just go home."  P’Van said in a soft voice.

Pie looked at P’Van blankly.  Pie stood up and said, "Please do not follow me P’Van!  I wanna be alone."

Pie ran back to her car and drove away.  There was one place she was thinking of and She knew where to go.....  

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