XLVII - Crazier Night

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Both of them agreed to bring a couple of beer in can.

Kim and Pie were walking on the seashore.  People were staring at them.  Some have wondering eyes, why they’re well dressed in a beach.  Some people were laughing at them.  But some people were saying different things.

"Congratulations on your wedding!"  One guy said.

"Yeah!  Congratulations!"  Agreed the others.

"Thanks guys!"  Kim greeted them back.

Both of them laughed as they walked farther.

Kim noticed that they’ve gotten far from all the people and no one else was in that area,  just the two of them.

The night was dark and only the stars and the moon served as their lights.

"Let’s stop here and seat on the sand, Pie."  Kim uttered.

Kim sat down and Pie sat beside Kim.  Kim grabbed a beer, opened it and gave it to Pie.  She grabbed another one and took a sip.

Pie leaned her head on Kim’s shoulder while Kim placed her hand around Pie’s shoulders.

They were both quiet.  Their eyes focused on the moon.

"You know that I love you, right, Kim?"  Pie asked.

Kim was surprised.  It’s only seldom that Pie professes her love to Kim.

"Yes, Pie.  I’ve always known that.  Specially, when you gave me another chance.  I haven’t thanked you enough for that and I don’t know if I can thank you enough."  Kim uttered.  "All I know is that I love you..Always...  I can never love anyone but you."  She added.

Kim looked at Pie and Pie stared back.  Kim held Pie’s chin and they slowly kissed.  It was a slow, sweet and passionate kiss.

Pie suddenly pulled away.

"What now, Pie?  The moment was perfect."  Kim said and was disappointed.

"Kim!  Close your eyes!"  Pie ordered Kim and then stood up.

Kim obeyed Pie’s request.

"I’ll count 1-10!  Don’t ever open your eyes or even peek until I reach the count of 10,okay?!" Pie added.

"Okay, Pie!  But what’re you doing?"  Kim asked.

"Wait and See!"  Pie shouted back.

Pie started counting....

"8.....9....10.... You can open your eyes, Kim!"  Pie screamed again.

Kim opened her eyes.  She saw all of Pie’s clothes on the sand while Pie was on the ocean, swimming.  She was in shock!

"Pie, are you...?"  Kim asked.

"Yes,  you’re right!  And you’ll do the same!"  Pie answered.

"No!"  Kim screamed.

"Don’t be a kill joy, Kim. I’ll turn back and close my eyes.  You count 1-10 too."  Pie uttered.

"Oh! I’m gonna die if someone sees us.  What the heck!  Let’s have some fun."  Kim agreed.

Kim started counting as she took of her clothes.  Pie was facing the other direction with her eyes closed.  And Kim ran to the ocean near Pie.

"9.....10....  You can open your eyes now."  Kim uttered.  "Oh! the water’s cold!"  She added.

"Don’t come near me, Kim or I’ll kill you."  Pie threatened.

Kim became playful.  She was swimming towards Pie.  Pie, on the other hand was trying to swim away.

Pie started splashing water on Kim’s face so that she can’t get near her.

"I’m coming, Pie!  We’re both naked!"  Kim teased her more.

Both of them were having the time of their lives until....

"Pie!  Some people are coming."  Kim said as she saw a group of foreigner walking but are far enough to notice they’re naked.

"Let’s hurry Pie.  Let’s swim back. I’ll run first and you follow."  Kim added.

Kim ran as fast as she could, grabbed her clothes and hid in a big rock to dress up.  Pie quickly followed and did the same.

When they were both dressed.  They sat at the sand again.  The foreigners walked past them and the two of them just pretended to drink their beers.

When the foreigners were non visible,  Kim and Pie laughed so hard.

"Nice idea, Pie! It was my first time doing that." Kim complemented Pie.

"Yeah! Me too!"  Pie answered.

It was already 2:30 in the morning.  They’ve decided to call it a day and went back to their room.  Both of them were so tired and unaware that they’ve fallen asleep...

Yes or No 3 (Kim and Pie)Where stories live. Discover now