Chapter One - Meet Samantha, Meet Tyler

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She looked up at the bottle. Her mother kept it on the top shelf in the kitchen, above the cupboards just beneath the ceiling. Out of sight, out of mind. Except... it wasn't out of mind. Or out of sight, really. And it definitely wasn't out of reach. She briefly wondered if her mother would notice some missing.

She got the blender out of the drawer, put it on the counter and plugged it in. She poured in some orange juice and slopped in some ice cream.

She looked at the bottle again. What the Hell, she thought, they say it makes you forget. She hopped on the counter top, reached up, grabbed the bottle and dumped a few glugs into her shake.

It tasted just like a creamsicle. The smooth orangey, vanilla-yyumminess. The alcohol added a certain oomph that she didn't necessarily enjoy... but it made her feel something.... Bad? Defiant? In control? Powerful? She smiled and drank the mixture down. Powerful. Brave. Maybe a little bit of that in-your-face, screw-you-iness. If felt good and light.

She rinsed out the blender and put everything away. Smiling to herself, she skipped out of her apartment and ran up the stairs two stories to knock on Tyler's door. He answered and smiled when he saw her. She threw herself into his arms and kissed him with unbridled passion. He held her tightly as he brought her into the apartment and closed the door behind them. They kissed and laughed as they made their way to his room, flopped on the bed and closed the door.

Tyler made her feel so good as he caressed her body worshipfully. "You taste good."

 She smiled up at him. "Creamsicle," she said.

"Yeah." He looked into her eyes and smiled. They kissed a little bit more.

"You know, I kinda like your room." 

He looked at her again, eyebrows raised. "Very funny," he murmured. They both looked around at the walls. His room was, literally, a closet. The foot of the single bed reached the door and the walls touched his bed on all three other sides. There were shelves over his pillow where he stored his clothes. A few trinkets were on the top shelf.

"It's cozy." She laughed lightly as she nuzzled into his neck and smelled his cologne, which she adored. She liked his longish dirty blond hair and she liked looking into his blue eyes. He would look at her with such intensity she sometimes felt naked. Like he could see right through her.

He was one of a string of boyfriends she'd had since she'd moved to this new town... except he was a secret. No one knew that she was seeing him.... and she was certain that he actually meant something.

She was really too good for him, she knew. Or at least, she knew that people would be of that opinion. They were from different worlds with respect to social circles. He had moved into her apartment building in a desperate state after his trailer had burned down one cold night. His mother was never home and he wasn't really sure where his mother went or what his mother did. She, on quite the other hand, was the step-daughter of a successful lawyer and a hard working nurse. Her family had moved into the apartment building as a stepping stone, until they found an appropriate house. They might even build one if they couldn't find one that would do.

They had moved to this northern town at the beginning of April and it hadn't taken her long to start dating the captain of the town's major hockey team – the most popular boy in school. He was pretty hot, but not so charming or steamy as Tyler. Jordan had been distant, cool and she knew he was only dating her because she was new and pretty and their families were friendly with each other. There wasn't really anything there, but they had played at it for a few weeks. Somewhat to her shame, she had, even more briefly, dated a few of his friends and it was only mid-June. She was pretty new at this "popular" thing and wasn't really handling it very well. She'd probably had enough boyfriends in the last two months to last a few years. But it seemed to her that Tyler was different. He was good for her.

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