Chapter Ten - Summer Plans

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Samantha sat on her bed focusing her attention on various things around the room, trying to get them to move. She felt like she was losing her mind because she just couldn't get a repeat. She had tried to move just about everything in her room. Shoes, shirts, towels, pillows. You name it.

There was a tap on her door and her mother walked in. Samantha thought it was nice she didn't have to lock it anymore. "Hey, you! How are things going? What are you doing in here?"

"I'm just thinking about life. It sure has improved since we moved here," said Samantha. Her mother nodded.

"It's been pretty amazing, hasn't it?"


"Only a few more days of school left and then it's summer break.... well, you're pretty much done now, eh? I guess you're just waiting for Tyler to finish up."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Do you want to do anything special this summer? Maybe a camp? Or some travelling?" Her mother sat beside her.

"I hadn't really thought about it. What do you want to do?" asked Samantha.

"Well, I know Tyler means a lot to you, so you'll probably want to spend most of your time with him. Why don't the two of you talk it over and let me know what you come up with?"

"Do you want to put any limitations on this very generous sounding offer of yours?" asked Samantha, looking at her mother with some scepticism.

"Not really. We are pretty lucky to have some money to play with. I was thinking of heading back down south to visit with family. It's been a long time since I've seen your grandma and grandpa. I really miss them. I would love for you two to join me. Or maybe you'd like to tour around some of the country with some friends? You'll be sixteen in a couple of weeks. Tyler is almost eighteen. Maybe you could get together with a few other people and hit the road for a while.... or maybe you could do both? Perhaps you could meet me at Grandma and Grandpa's."

"Really? That's actually a pretty cool idea, mom.... Wow." Samantha felt a nervous excitement. It sounded like a lot of fun, actually. "I'll talk to Tyler about it tomorrow, after his exam.

"Good idea. Is it his last one tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Canadian History. I bet it'll be tough. Mr. Harrison expects a lot. I really dodged a bullet with that one... you know, it feels pretty good to have a report card like that. I think next year I'm going to study really hard and see if I can grades like that all of the time."

Samantha's mother smiled, "That would really be something, Samantha. You just do your best. That's all I've ever wanted. But, yeah, straight As would be nice. It might open some doors for when you graduate as well. More options for university."

"I hadn't really thought of that. But, I guess you're right."

"Focus on your plans for the summer for now. A good break will help you get ready for grade eleven."

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