Chapter Four - Antipsychotics, Anyone?

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Tyler sat quietly in his living room, watching T.V.  His favourite show, Survivor, was on. He really wanted to see Deborah voted off this time. She just had to go.

"You've been breaking the rules." Tyler was startled by the sudden presence of his... mother. What an unexpected and rather disappointing turn of events. "Why do you look surprised to see me? You know you're supposed to have permission from the Council before you start using magic again. They sent me to see what you're up to."

"It was a very simple joining symbol. Pretty small potatoes, really. Why is the Council concerned about something so insignificant?"

"I asked the same thing, actually. Apparently something happened to the Fabrics when you applied the symbol to the match. There was something unusual about whomever you applied the symbol to. You need to be careful, Tyler." Tyler looked at his mother with a question in his eyes. What could be so dangerous about Samantha? "Do you understand the advisement?"

"Yes. I think so." Nope. He really had no idea.

"Good. Hopefully we won't need to be in touch over this matter again." And she was gone. Just like his mother. He glared at the space that had, only seconds ago, been occupied by the woman he owed his life to. They'd never had a particularly loving relationship, but he knew he could always rely on her when it mattered the most. Seriously, though, could she be more vague? There were no real hints about what was really going on during that conversation. Some sort of effect on the Fabric? What did that even mean? How could the Fabric be effected at all? It was a powerful border that separated the Witchfolk World from this one and the fact that anything could disturb it... well, that thought was quite disturbing.

Perhaps there was more than met the eye when it came to Samantha after all. Maybe it was that "thing" he could never put his finger on. Regardless, he felt drawn to her like he'd never felt. He would have to figure it out, but he hadn't the foggiest idea how he was going to figure it out. Whatever "it" was.

He went to his bedroom and lifted the bed. Underneath, his books shone in all their glory. They were the most important things in his life. They held untold secrets and some crazy spells. He was willing to bet there might be something in the Book of Histories about unusual events when it came to the Fabric. He pulled out the massive volume and carried it to the kitchen table. Well, he half carried it and half dragged it to the kitchen table. Well, to beside the kitchen table. The thing was a monster. He had his work cut out for him. He couldn't even lift it up to the table. How pathetic.

He started to scroll through the index, looking specifically for anything to do with the Fabric. Hardly specific, really. There were many entries. He did what any forward thinking Warlock would do and started in the middle. It seemed as good a place as any. As he started to read, he heard a faint knock at the door. Figuring it could only be one person, his face immediately brightened as he rushed to answer the door.

Samantha was looking rather pale and perhaps in a state of shock. She didn't look so great at all. Tyler took her by the shoulders, "what's wrong?"

"It's my step-father. I think I hurt him. I think I hurt him. But it doesn't make any sense. No sense at all, Tyler." He continued to look at her as he led her into his bedroom. "No. No, I think I need the couch. I think I need space." He thought about the huge megabook sitting beside the kitchen table. Kind of an odd thing really. He suggested his mother's bedroom, which actually had a love seat and she was easily led in that direction instead. "Remember when you asked what I'd like to see happen to my step-father? And I wouldn't say?"


"Well, I started to imagine what I would want to do to him and all of asudden I heard him scream from the living room. Then my mom started to scream as well. I went to see what was happening. Like, it's usually just her that cries, but this time it was him. And she sounded really freaked out. So I ran to the living room. And there he was.... bleeding. He was bleeding. A lot. From his arm. He was bleeding from the top of his arm... and a few other places. Right where I had stabbed him in my.... in my fantasy. I know it's a violent fantasy. It's so wrong. But it's a fantasy I've had for years and nothing has ever happened. There was so much blood, Tyler. What is happening?" Good question, thought Tyler.

At first, Tyler thought that Samantha was scared. Terrified even. He was sure she was when she first came to the door. But as he looked at her, he realized that she was really happy. Her face was flushed, now, with excitement and her eyes were glowing with a new strength he hadn't seen before. Could she actually be enjoying this? That was kind of concerning, he had to admit. Such joy in the face of stupendous amounts of blood was a bit of an unusual response, wasn't it?

"Do you know what this means?" Samantha asked with light in her eyes, "This means I can finally be free. I can get rid of him. He doesn't have power over me anymore. I can get rid of him." Tyler looked at her. He didn't know what to say.

"Samantha, what did you do? Where's he now? Where's your mother?"

"Mom called the ambulance. They're at the hospital."

"You didn't go with them?"

"Me? No. They didn't even notice me. See? That's the best part, don't you think? There's no weapon. No evidence." And then Samantha really looked at him. She saw the panic on his face. She saw a storm brewing in his eyes. Some of her excitement died down and she looked at him with soft eyes. "I'm still the same person, Tyler... but maybe with some kind of .... strength? I don't know what's happening, Tyler, but I admit I feel pretty great."

"Yes, something is clearly happening, Sam. I think we need help. We need to figure out what in the worlds is going on. For heaven's sake, don't think about stabbing your step-father any more until we sort this out." He was a bit surprised when he heard her snort.

"Really? Have you ever heard of anything like it? Where would we go for help? No one will believe us. I'm surprised you even believe me. I mean, really? I hurt this guy with my mind? Okay, someone give this girlsome antipsychotics, 'cause she's nuts. That's what they'll say. Whoever  'they' are." She couldn't help it. She laughed. He wondered if she realized that her laugh was a bit hysterical and she did actually sound a little crazy. She saw his reaction and stopped laughing with an awkward shrug of her shoulders. She took a deep breath.

"Okay. So. Let me think," started Tyler. But he didn't know what to think. A few theories popped into his mind. The symbol he joined them with obviously had something to do with this rather extraordinary turn of events. The symbol was only supposed to allow him to check up on her when he wanted to. It wasn't supposed to let her stab people with her mind. An unforeseen consequence to be sure. Perhaps even ... Fabric effecting? Perhaps. Had stranger things happened? Don't think so. "Okay. So. Samantha. See, there's something that maybe you don't know about me." He paused. He just didn't know how to tell her. He'd never had to tell anyone about himself before.



"Oh, for crying out loud, Tyler, I just told you I stabbed somebody withmy thoughts! Spit out your mind-blowing information all ready!"

"I'm a Warlock." He said it really fast.

"Please, repeat that."

"I'm a .... Warlock." And then he told about the joining symbol he'd used to try to keep her safe. He told her about his theory about the symbol somehow giving her powers. Magical powers. 

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