Part 38 - Epilogue

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Killian looked at Philip. "How did she take it?"

"I dare say she's rather shocked," smiled Philip, a little sadly.

"You were a terrible father," said Killian.

Philip scoffed. "I was absent. I was no kind of father."

"Well, you're back now," said Killian. "Every girl wants her father back. It doesn't matter what kind he was."

"She wasn't exactly jumping for joy," said Philip.

"Maybe not. She just needs some time to wrap her mind around it all. You just wait. You'll have her eating out of the palm of your hand," smiled Killian.

Philip looked at Killian with some suspicion. He was going to have to tread carefully with this man. And with his daughter.

"She looked pretty happy with that Tyler boy," said Philip.

Now it was Killian's turn to scoff, "Yeah, maybe," he said. "But she will be much happier with me. You just wait and see."

Philip looked over to Michael, who sat in the corner of the room. He sat there, glowering in the darkness. Perhaps these two were trouble. He didn't know why he hadn't thought about  it before now. He should have been more suspicious when they'd shown up at his firm telling him news of his daugher. 

What kind of trouble was his daughter involved with? What had she been up to all of these years? He'd obviously made a mistake by leaving his infant daughter.  He thought removing himself and his magic had been for the best. Now he would have to make up for that lapse in judgement. He would start by getting to know these two and figuring out what they were all about. 

He would meet Samantha and Tyler for lunch and he would see where things went from there. Was Killian better for his daughter? Or was Tyler? Maybe even Michael? And would he help one over the other? He reserved judgement. He had a lot to learn. He looked at the two Warlocks in the room for a moment. Then he quietly dismissed himself and walked out the door.

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