Chapter Eight - Errrrrr

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Samantha may have gotten off scot-free with respect to exams, but Tyler had been busy studying like mad for his. He said good night just after dinner, saying he had to get ready for exams. She admired his dedication. She offered to help him study and he had accepted the first time. However, as is wont to do, their session had ended with heated kissing and sweet caresses. He hadn't even opened a book. She touched her lips at the memory. He was such a good kisser. She missed the feel of his lips on hers in that moment. She decided that maybe he needed a break from studying.

She quickly skipped down the hall from her bedroom to her door. "I'm just going to Tyler's," she called to her mom.

"Oh, here, Sam, take him some banana bread. It just came out of the oven."

"Okay." She went to take a plate with four steaming pieces of banana bread. "Looks delish, Mom! Smells good, too."

"Maybe a glass of milk for him, too. I wish his mother would keep the fridge stocked better."

"He does his own shopping for the most part." She took the tall glass of milk from her mother. Her mom kissed her forehead and Sam walked quickly to the door. She wished the door would just open for her, since her hands were full. Can't you see my hands are full? She said to the door. You should open for me. And to her utter amazement and bafflement, the door opened. She stopped in her tracks. She looked at the door for a full minute.

"Are you going?" asked her mother.

"Uh... yeah... yeah, I'm going. See you in a little while," she could hear how stiff her voice was. She shook her head, "Love you, mom."

"Love you, too, honey."

She pushed the button to the elevator with her pinkie finger and waited impatiently for the elevator to come. She paced the hallway until she heard the doors open. She ran in and pushed the button for the fourteenth floor. She couldn't even form a thought as the elevator went up. She went the Tyler's door and kicked it lightly two times. She didn't even dare to wish it open. She waited for him to answer the door as she nervously shifted her weight between her feet.

"Hey, Sam!" said Tyler happily.

"Hey, hey, there Study Buddy!" Sam was speaking quickly, she could hear it. She pushed the plate and milk into his hands. "How's it going? Are you ready for your exam tomorrow? Which one is it again? History, right? Canadian History? Tough one. Have you got all the dates down? He's a tough teacher. It's probably going to be hard, right?"

"Are you okay? You sound a little....freaked out or something," said Tyler.

"Yep. I'm fine."

"Oh really? You're speed walking in a circle around my living room," Tyler pointed out. She stopped.

"I am? Huh. Kind of an odd thing to do... but not so odd," she paused and lowered her voice to a whisper, "if you just opened a door with your mind." She saw Tyler's face go white. As white as any white washed piece of paper. "Yeah, not so weird now, am I?" Then her chin jerked back. "Okay, well, maybe a little weirder, I guess." She sat down on the couch and put her head in her hands.

"That happened?" Tyler whispered.

"Yeah," she whispered back.

"Okay, don't panic. Let's not tell anyone about this."

"Who would believe me anyway?" Sam questioned him with wide eyes.

"Let's just forget it happened,okay?"

"Oh, okay. Like, you just don't want to talk about it? 'Cause I'm not sure I can forget... But... I can try."

"Yeah, like I'm not ready to talk about it yet. But maybe later," he said slowly.

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