Chapter Fifteen - Taking the Leap

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They pulled up to the Fantasyland Hotel at nine o'clock in the evening. "Wow, it does look fancy," said Sam.

"It's the most expensive hotel I could find," grinned Adam. "I figured this would probably be my only opportunity ever to stay at a super-fancy place.... it's even attached to the West Edmonton Mall. All the better to jump tomorrow!" Samantha smiled at him. She should probably feel annoyed with him for spending her money, but she honestly just didn't care. In fact, she thought it was pretty awesome.

Since Adam was the oldest, he went in alone. No sense is raising the alarm by having four teenagers walk into a fancy hotel. He came back out a few minutes later waving some room keys in the air with a big smile on his face. They cheered as he got into the driver's seat and wheeled the van to the parking area. They all grabbed their bags once they'd found a parking spot and made their way to the elevator. The hotel looked pretty nice.

"I wanted to upgrade to one of their fantasy suits, but there weren't enough beds for all of us. Kind of a bummer," said Adam with a slight frown. "But never mind, this room ought to be grand enough for the four of us." And it was. They opened the door to the room and marvelled at the statue in the corner and the lavishly decorated beds. It was pretty sweet. Tyler jumped on the bed nearest the window calling dibs. They all laughed as they entered the room and made themselves comfortable.

"Who sleeps where?" asked Samantha, feeling a little nervous. She knew who she wanted to snuggle in with.

"We could obviously do this two ways. The way we all want to and the way our parents would want us to," said Adam.

"I don't see any parents here...." said Sonya. And with that, it was agreed that they would sleep in beds by couple... but no hanky-panky.... because... ewww.

"Anyone in for pizza?" asked Sonya. They all felt hungry again. The ordered in some pizza and chilled for the rest of the night. Bungee jumping would be taking place early the next morning.


Samantha woke up early the next day and nudged Tyler awake. It was nice to wake up next to him. Then she realized she probably had terrible breath. She rushed to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she snuggled back in with Tyler, tucking her cold feet into the back of his knees. He moaned quietly when she did it and she snickered against his neck. "We should get reading. We shouldn't waste time,"she whispered.

"Well, those cold feet are one way to get me moving," he mumbled. She gave him a tickle and reached for two books. She wedged one under Tyler's belly and opened up her own. He stumbled out of bed to the washroom. She grinned as she heard him brush his teeth. He came back out shortly after and jumped on her. She gave a soundless laugh as he tickled her back. They shared a good-morning kiss. "Okay, let's get started... you're a very serious student."

"Time's a ticking." They snuggled in and read their books. Once in a while they asked each other quick questions. Sometimes testing each other and sometimes seeking clarification. Tyler was impressed with her progress. She had already read several of the required Witchfolk readings. Almost all of them. She had certainly gained a lot of knowledge in a short amount of time.

"I bet you could come up with original spells and symbols based on the information that you've already gained," said Tyler.

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