Chapter Twenty-Seven - Happy Birthday

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"It's somebody's birthday today," sang Tyler as he brought Samantha breakfast in bed. He said a quick spell and rose petals started to fall out of the sky.

Samantha stretched her body out and moaned loudly. She could finally drive. She smiled at the thought. Created a World at fifteen. Driving at sixteen. A laugh escaped her lips.

"What's so funny?"

"Just that I can drive," she said, opening an eye and looking at Tyler. He'd gone all out with breakfast. It looked like an absolute feast of bacon, eggs, french toast, hash browns.... "Do I smell maple syrup?"

"You sure do!"

"Did you make all of that by yourself?" she asked with some surprise.

"Mostly. I might have had some help from some friends." He laughed as Sonya and Adam came into the room singing at the top of their lungs. Samantha was tempted to plug her ears, but resisted the urge. She didn't want to hurt their feelings, after all.

"Wow, that was great," she gushed when they finished. "Tell me you're going to help me eat all of this food."

"While it would be entertaining to watch you try to fit all of it into your stomach, it would also be cruel," laughed Sonya. They all picked up a fork and started to dig in to the mound of food.

"You're finally sixteen!" said Adam. "Do you want to drive the van into your grandparent's driveway?"

"Shouldn't I get a licence first?"

"Oh puh-lease," said Adam. He snapped his fingers and handed her a NWT driver's licence. "You already did that."

"Well, there is the minor issue of ... you know... being able to drive," stammered Samantha with some embarrassment. She stabbed a piece of delicious, fatty bacon with her fork.

"Practise makes perfect," said Sonya. "Start with driving it into the driveway." She shrugged her shoulders as if this made absolute  sense. Samantha gave in and nodded in agreement. Whatever, she thought.

"I suppose we should go and see my mom. You're right." She stabbed another piece of bacon with her fork. She dipped it into the maple syrup. God, it was good.

"It is your birthday. And you were due home by now. She will start to worry," said Tyler. Tyler dipped his french toast into the maple syrup. He smothered it just like any good Canadian would do.

"I bet I'll get a cell phone after this," said Sam with some excitement. She'd never been allowed to have one.

"Witches and Warlocks don't use cell phones," laughed Adam.

"I would," countered Sam. "I've always wanted one."

"Anyways, it seems like things are going pretty smoothly here. I think we could sneak away for a time," suggested Tyler. "Also, she received your letter from Lakefield College School in the mail two days ago. It's an offer for a partial scholarship to private school and some funding for residence."

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