Chapter Twenty-Nine - Followed

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Back in the Darkfolk World, Keegan and the others who were removed from the World of Light gathered and made plans. They hadn't cast one spell, but two on their servants. The second had been a tracking spell. They would know when the Humans returned to the Human World and they would be able to find them. And then they'd be able to kill them.

Keegan was giddy with the thought that his plan was going to work. He was convinced that if all of the returning Humans were murdered, word would get back to the Lightfolk. He only wished he could see their reactions. What would they say when their precious Humans were brutally killed? Never to live these glorious lives promised to them by the Lightfolk. Keegan let out a high pitched laugh of delight. He sounded a little bit hysterical, but nobody seemed to notice.

He grabbed the nearest Warlock and told him to round up as many Freefolk as he could find. "Spread the word," he said, "We have orders coming in from our King."

"Orders from King Killian?" questioned the Warlock.

"Who else? Yes. Spread the word, like I said," responded Keegan with some annoyance. The Warlock nodded and set off in a slow jog.

Before long, there were hundreds of Warlocks standing in front of Keegan. He could wait longer, but this seemed like enough Freefolk to get the ball rolling. "My fellow Freefolk," he started, "great plans are in the making. We have set in motion all of the steps necessary to gain victory, once and for all!" He looked around at the faces before him. They had gone from expressions of curiosity to excitement. "Yes, that's right. We are going to get everything we ever wanted. We are going to destroy the Witchfolk and enslave Humankind. Everything is within our reach. Our King is on the cusp of joining forces with the Foreseen One, Samantha Storm. And when it happens, everyone will be in her service. We will finally have the lives we have always wanted!" There were some cheers in the crowd. Keegan smiled. This was going very well.

"What is our next step?" asked one in the crowd. Keegan was pretty sure it was Lennon. He knew Lennon had not been chosen to go to the World of Light. Lennon had a reputation as a fierce fighter. Keegan was glad to see him in the crowd.

"We are going to feel several tracking spells come to life in the next few minutes. We will follow these tracks and we will kill the people who are attached to them. It will be glorious."

"Who are they?" asked Lennon.

"They were our," here Keegan gestured to the group behind him, "servants in the World of Light. We were removed from the World of Light when we cast spells on our servants. Now we will hunt them down and kill them. The war to end all wars will begin with these actions. The prophecy is here. Our leader is here. We will be victorious!" Keegan shouted this last word as loudly as he could and he revelled in the cheers that followed his declaration. "We will need to make these deaths grizzly in order to raise the ire of the Witchfolk and the Lightfolk."

"Let us flay them alive!" shouted Lennon.

"Let us cut off their heads!" shouted another from the crowd. They continued to call out gruesome methods of murder as they waited for the tracking spells to come into effect. It was not long before Keegan felt the telling tingle in his body. He could see that the other dispelled Freefolk could feel the tingling as well. They looked around at each other with smiles on their faces. Their moment was upon them.

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