Chapter Seventeen - The Storm

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Tyler didn't know what to think as he saw Samantha walk out of what was obviously a gateway from, he guessed, the Darkfolk World into their hotel room. She looked magnificent. Powerful. Confident. Kind of like she had after she'd killed her step-father. He wasn't sure how he felt about the look she had, mostly because he didn't know what it meant.

"We tried to come after you, but we didn't know where in the Darkfolk World to find you. We searched in numerous places, but kept coming up empty," said Adam.

"Is that where you even were?" asked Sonya.

"I am so glad to see your face," breathed Tyler.

"I am glad to be back, trust me. Yes, I was taken to see Killian. What do you know of him?" asked Samantha.

"He is the son of the Darkfolk King," replied Sonya.

"King? He implied that they had some sort of democracy... that they chose their leader," Sam said with a frown.

"Well... they might have chosen the first king, I guess... but their leadership has always gone from father to son, or," thought Tyler, "someone kills the king because they want to be king. You know how it goes with chaos and anarchy."

Samantha reflected on this. So Killian would be the next king... until I am their queen, I guess. Maybe that's why he hoped I'd like his son.

"What happened over there?" asked Sonya.

"I'm sure you know what happened. They made their proposition." Sam looked at her friends. They all had questions in their eyes and it made her uncomfortable. "I said 'no', you guys." Sonya and Adam sagged with relief. Tyler, though - he didn't. She looked into his eyes and saw the familiar storm brewing. He saw into her soul. He knew that something wasn't quite right. She looked away and told Adam and Sonya what she'd seen.


Later Tyler asked Sam to join him for a walk around part of the city. She was happy to join him. She needed to clear the air. Things hadn't been right since she'd returned a few hours ago. Sonya and Adam were pretty easy to convince that everything was okay. Tyler shared something special with her and he could read her like a book.

They walked down the hall to the elevator in silence, but still holding hands. At least there is that, thought Tyler. That part is still easy. The elevator came and they stepped inside. They were alone, but still didn't say a word. They left the hotel after the elevator brought them to ground level. Breathing the fresh air felt good.

"So, are you going to spill the beans here, or what?" asked Tyler.

Samantha looked at him with some uncertainty. The truth had always worked best with Tyler. He'd always been so understanding. Perhaps she could toss some ideas around with him and see where things went. "They have their vision, that's for sure."

"Yeah, a vision of mass slavery and the annihilation of the Witchfolk. It's quite the vision."

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