Chapter Thirty-Five - Pure of Heart

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Tyler and Samantha stood next to one another, their hands linked lovingly. They looked at the scene before them as they prepared themselves for the unfreezing of this world. They noticed quite a few things as they observed this World they had created out of love and hope. They noticed the expressions of the original Freefolk who were still in the World of Light. They looked quite unhappy as they stared at their leader in the air. In fact, they looked quite angry.

Tyler and Samantha also surveyed the expressions of the Witchfolk. They were looking over at the Freefolk with expressions full of contempt. Their eyes were full of accusations and questions. There was no real trust or love on their faces. Samantha thought about how they had helped the Freefolk build their houses when they had first arrived. It seemed somewhat tragic to see these expressions now.

Tyler focused in on the Humans who were gathered on the outskirts of the meeting. They looked afraid. They were unsure and worried. He didn't like seeing them like this. It was as if they no longer felt safe in this World. This thought hurt him to his core.

"We have some work to do here if we want to save this place," said Samantha. 

"Yes. We need some solid actions to go with any comforting words we may have," agreed Tyler.

"What should to consequence be if they fail the Purity Spell?"

"They should be sent to their own World. Their symbol for the World of Light should disappear. They will no longer be allowed in," thought Tyler.

"Let us highlight the importance of wanting to get along with one another."

"They will also have to agree to let the Humans live their lives free of servitude," agreed Tyler.

"Yes. They can find all they need to sustain full lives in the World of Light if they desire to do so," said Samantha.

Both agreeing to the terms of the solution they hoped would work to save this place, they squeezed each other's hands.

"Go!" yelled Samantha. Nothing happened. She turned her head to Tyler, some panic in her eyes.

"You were full of emotion when you froze time. You are much calmer now," he said. "Perhaps we can join our power for the unfreezing. I feel much stronger about dealing with that bozo than you do," he jerked his chin in Killian's direction. "Maybe my emotions can give things a kick-start."

Samantha nodded her head in agreement. She was not so eager to see Killian dealt with. She was really going to miss him if he didn't pass the Purity Spell. It was true, what Tyler said, she did have some feelings for him. Nothing compared to what she felt for Tyler, of course. But she was still young and it would have been interesting to see if those feelings ever led to anything... more. She would probably never get to find out.

Tyler took both of Samantha's hands in his own. They faced each other and allowed their noses to touch. Samantha could feel the tilt of Tyler's head as he bent down to complete the intimate embrace. Their foreheads touched and she could feel his breath hit her face like a light dance. It was an erotic feeling. Such closeness. She felt a stirring her body as she let the sensations envelop her being. She could feel her body begin to pulse with desire and emotion. She knew that if she looked into Tyler's eyes right now, there would be something akin to a hurricane going on in them. She smiled, knowing that they both felt the same way. The magic they created with their burning desire was incomparable to anything else. She felt the familiar spin as their power mounted and then an explosion coming from the bodies like a supernova exploding.

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