Chapter Twenty - Getting Things in Order

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If anything, the tasks before them seemed insurmountable when they woke up the next day. The group decided that they wanted to put a few of their ideas to the test before they had a meeting with other World representatives. They thought they might have a week a the most before they started to get impatient messages from various spokespeople.

Sam and Tyler decided to put their gateway block to the test. They opened the gateway to the World of Light and Tyler entered through with no problem. Samantha encouraged Adam and Sonya to go through, but not only could Adam and Sonya not enter, they couldn't even see the gateway. Samantha was very pleased. She called Tyler back and told him the great news.

"Awesome," said Tyler nodding his head with a smile on his face.

"Well, maybe for you guys... how are we going to get through?" askedSonya.

"We've developed a temporary symbol for you to wear to gain entry," replied Tyler. "If you decide you would like to be a part of theWorld, then we can give you a more permanent symbol. I kinda figure you will want a permanent one, but let's test this one out for fun." Tyler took Sonya's arm and drew the symbol near her elbow. Then he did the same to Adam. Samantha opened up the gateway again and this time they could, all four, go through with no problem.

Once in the World of Light, Adam and Sonya were both impressed. It was beautiful for sure. Tyler and Samantha watched their faces fill with wonder as they looked around at the majestic forests and waterfalls before them. "I agree that this World needs to be protected," said Adam. "We will need to ensure that the rules are followed...and they should be easy to follow. Don't destroy stuff. Don't mistreat your servants. Pretty basic, really. Even the Darkfolk should be able to comply."

"I think so," agreed Samantha. "And if they don't, their symbol will disappear and they will be removed from this World. Punishment will be swift and fair." They nodded. It seemed like it should workquite well.

Samantha and Tyler had already chosen a place within the World of Light that they would make their own. After they showed Adam and Sonya where whey could be found, they led Adam and Sonya to another area and encouraged them to find a spot where they would like to start creating their own home. Samantha smiled when Sonya's eyes lit up with excitement. Sam took Tyler's hand and led him away from the happy couple. It was nice to see them deep in thought as they made decisions around their future abode.

Once they were alone, Samantha and Tyler started to make their own plans. They had to test their World... to test how life would be lived in this new place.

They made a beautiful house into the side of a hill. The door had a whimsical arch that reminded Tyler of the hobbit houses in the Lord of the Rings movies. The inside did not disappoint either. The wooden beams and white-washed walls carried on the theme. The thatched roof held the promise of wildflowers in the near future. The surrounding area was full of gorgeous greenery and breathtaking waterfalls.

After several hours of magical creation, they walked some way to find Adam and Sonya. They were amazed at what they found. While Tyler and Samantha found pleasure in the woodsy romance of Hobbiton houses, Adam and Sonya obviously enjoyed the grandeur of Disney Fairytales. Their space held a castle with towers and battlement walls. They even had a drawbridge. The castle was made of dreamy grey stone and black iron. The roof was of red metal. It was as breathtaking in its complexity as the Hobbiton house was in its simplicity.

"Come and look!" called Sonya. "It even has a spinning wheel!" Samantha laughed as she ran to her friend. They held hands as Sonya showed her how she'd brought all of her favourite fairytale pieces to life in her castle.

"It's amazing," whispered Samantha.

"Thank you," replied Sonya as her eyes swept around the last glorious room.

"Now," said Sam, "the servant piece..." The both knew that this was going to be difficult. They had to find just the right people for thejob.


The four Witchfolk, who were now the four Lightfolk, had decided to collect servants from the orphaned populations of various war-torn areas from around the world. They would open a gateway from the Human World to the World of Light from which the chosen Humans could pass easily back and forth, from one World to the other. After they had served their time, they would be compensated and sent back home with their earnings. The Lightfolk had agreed that the servants would work four days and then get four days of rest. Their shifts would be twelve hours long. They would get their compensation at the end of their four days on. It was the intention of the Lightfolk to improve the lives of the orphaned populations by ensuring they had means to live comfortably in their own Human World.

They approached groups of older children. They all looked to be over the age of thirteen. Every group of teenagers, or even older children, that they met walked away almost as soon as they started offering them "serving jobs." Nobody was interested. And in fact, most ofthem looked quite frightened. It took them awhile to realize that "serving jobs" could possibly mean different things to different people. However, they got similar reactions when they approached the Humans with job titles such as "maid" or "butler." It just wasn't working.

The Lightfolk decided that they would have to... fudge the truth a little bit. They introduced themselves to the young orphans as refugee officers and told them that their claims had been approved. Immediately, the teens' faces lit up with excitement. These lucky children were going to live in a new country and have new jobs. They couldn't believe their luck!

It wasn't totally a lie... it just wasn't totally the truth.

They decided that until further plans could be made, they would create a place in the World of Light where Humans could live. Their own little village. In a fluster, they went and created such a place, where they hoped the Humans would be happy. The Lighfolk thought things looked pretty good in their new village. They designed the village with Beauty and the Beast in mind. There was a library and a grocery store. The houses were all small, but clean. They were very nice inside. Nicer than anything Samantha had grown up in. The Lightfolk were very happy with what they had created for the Humanfolk. Once they were satisfied, they took their new servants to the village.

The servants each had their own house and seemed quite happy in them. Their lives had already improved very much. They had a home, food, clean water, plumbing, electricity and a job. Tyler and Adam made a work contract for each of the Humans to sign. They signed quite happily.

And now, they thought, now they could have their meeting with the representatives. They could bring the representatives here and show them what could be. What was possible. With very little trepidation, one week after Lilith's visit, Adam went to the Witchfolk World with an invitation for five representatives to come and learn about the Fabric-shaking events. Sonya went to the Darkfolk Work to speak with Killian and invite him along with four others to come and learn about an offer from Samantha. Within a few hours, there were fourteen Witches and Warlocks meeting in a wooded area just south of Edmonton.

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