Chapter Twenty-Four - Settling the Humans

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"Have you started your job yet, Makeen?" inquired Adam.

"Yes, my group is working for a family on top of a hill. We take a bus there. They are very nice to us. We clean the house and bring them stuff when they want it." Adam thought it was good that their gateway looked like a bus. They pressed a button by a tree and a bus appeared to pull up. It was a very clever spell created by Tyler.

"How is your teacher doing?"

"Very well. I think everyone enjoys having the teachers. The teachers seem very happy to be here. They are so caring. Good cooks, too," smiled Makeen. "You have done well to make everyone happy. I haven't heard any whisperings since the adults arrived." Adam was happy to hear this news. They had chosen the adults very carefully and put very light serenity spells on them to promote a peaceful countenance. "I notice there are many more Humans arriving. Why is that?"

"There are more Witches and Warlocks arriving in the next few days and we need to more employees to accommodate their needs." Adam found some comfort in talking with Makeen about the progress of the World ofLight. He was a smart person who seemed to understand how things were going to work. He had good ideas. He was a good representative for the Humans who lived and worked here.

"People will notice more odd occurrences then," noted Makeen. "People will start to ask questions. It may be best to inform them about what is happening. We are from places of conflict. We don't deal well with secrecy. Where there is secrecy, people assume corruption. And when there is corruption, people become angry... and when people get angry, well, that's when up-risings seem to start."

Adam looked at Makeen thoughtfully. He would take his advice to heart. Adam had never experienced conflict the way Makeen had... and certainly not from a Human perspective. "Thank you for your advice, Makeen. I will certainly pass it on."

For his part, Makeen was keeping a close eye on the developments in this new world that he lived in. He liked it here and he liked Adam andSonya. He could see how Humans could make nice lives for themselves here. He was no fool. Making a good life where he came from would have been almost impossible. Here at least there was opportunity for a safe, happy, comfortable existence. He wasn't sure how he felt about the fact that he was, perhaps, one step up from a slave. He and the others had been basically kidnapped from their own World and brought here to serve those who thought they were superior. They were compensated, but their chances of moving up in this World were non-existent as far as he could see. He felt he could trust Adam and Sonya to free the people if that's what they wanted, and he felt good about that.

However, he would continue to observe the progress here. If things turned out badly he was prepared to do whatever it took to get the Human population to a safe place. Not that he knew exactly what that would mean.

Makeen and Adam looked up as they heard footsteps approaching. It was Samantha and Tyler. They walked hand in hand. Makeen hadn't gotten to know these two very well, but he could tell that they were the obvious leaders of this place. They exuded power, although they looked to be about his own age. He bowed his head to them. "Hello, Makeen," said Samantha. She smiled as she saw his body jolt with surprise that she knew his name. "Yes, I know all of you. I sense you as you come into this World. Tyler and I both do. We know all of you." He looked up to meet her eyes, and bowed his head again acknowledging this information and giving her due respect. She bowed her own head back. "Adam, could we speak in private for a moment?"

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