#1 - Hospital Beds

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Hospital Beds

Was where you lay, watching your husband gently cradle the 4 hour old infant. "She's perfect (Y/N)," he spoke softly, unable to tear his eyes away from her sleeping figure. "Just perfect."

Was were you sat by, watching the steady fall and rise of his chest as he slept. You couldn't bring yourself to leave, just in case he did finally wake up. "Liam, if you can hear me, I love you... Please... Wake up."

Was where you sat, cringing as the nurse stitched up the gash on your leg. "Remind me to never climb a tree again," you hissed as his grip tightened on your hand. He could only chuckle.

Was where your daughter lay after her surgery. The appendicitis had been caught in time, but they had her on heavy doses of morphine, just to make sure it wasn't as painful when she woke up.

Was where you and Louis sat by, his arms around you as you slowly watched your mother die right in front of you. You knew the time with her was limited and having Louis through this rough time made it a little easier to bare.

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