#27 - "This Wasn't Supposed To Happen."

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"This Wasn't Supposed To Happen."

You cried when the doctor left with the news that your baby had been miscarried. "We were supposed to have the perfect family Harry. A beautiful, healthy child, a happy marriage..." You were cut off by more tears as Harry teared up himself. "We c-can still have that (Y/N)... It'll just be a bit different than we thought..." His arms found themselves around you as you hid in the soft material of his t-shirt. "It won't be perfect, but we will be happy... I promise."

You yelled at your parents as he stood behind you watching your angered moves. "You can't get a divorce! You two are happy! You're meant for each other!" you continued, hoping to convince both your parents and yourself that this wasn't the right idea. "(Y/N), we're not happy... we care about each other, but if we stay married it's going to get worse. For you and us. Please try to understand..." Liam came up behind you and took your hand, wanting to calm you down. "Sweetheart just relax." "How can I relax Liam? It's not supposed to end this way. Ever."

You mumbled as the disastrous date came to and end. "Niall I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for all that to happen. It was supposed to be perfect..." you continued, walking him to the door with a big stain on his shirt. "Love don't worry," he chuckled, slipping his shoes on. "Even though you spilled some win on me, it was still a pretty adventurous date wasn't it?" You could tell he was trying to convince you. "Niall you don't have to lie to me..." "Who said I'm lying?" With a genuine smile and a peck on the lips he said one more thing. "I'll text you tomorrow." Although the date didn't go the way you planned, he still wanted to see you again, and that was what made you worry less.

He choked out as he visited your final resting place. "You were so young baby. And I love you so much... Why did you have to go so soon?" He traced the delicate letters in the solid marble, smiling slightly. "You fought so hard... I'm so proud of you, you know that?" He looked up for some sign that you were listening. "I'll always be proud of you baby... And I'll always love you. No one can fill the gap that you did..." Wiping away the tears, he forced one last smile before getting up. "I'll be back baby... same time, same place."

He said sadly, sitting in the hard, plastic hospital chair next to you. "Louis just try not to think about it..." "(Y/N) how can I not think about it? How can you be so calm?" You looked at him tensing up your jaw. "Louis I'm staying calm because the last thing I want to think about is our SON dying." Louis looked at you sighing, putting an arm around your shoulders. "I-I'm so sorry... I'm just so paranoid..." "I know... I know I'm sorry too..." You sat there quietly from that moment on, just waiting for any news on your sick little boy.

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