#40 - "Why..?"

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"Why do you think of yourself that way (Y/N)...? You're not ugly. It might seem so cliché for you to hear, but you are, from the bottom of my heart, the most beautiful girl in the world. I will make sure you're able to see it. I promise."


"Why do you do this to yourself (Y/N)? Why do you cause yourself physical pain on top of mental pain...? I don't understand... I hate seeing you so sad... And I don't know how to help you... I offer to listen, I offer to take you to a therapist... Babe... I'm scared. Just tell me what to do to help..."


"Why do you read it if it just makes you upset...? Don't, they're not worth your tears babe. Those pretty eyes don't deserve to cry unless you're happy... Shut it off princess... And come lay with me. I'll make you happy. I'll make you forget all about them."


"Why does this always happen? We always argue and then one of us threatens to leave. We never stay and talk it out. I don't want to lose you (Y/N). I want to work this out. I don't want to argue. So please, take off your shoes and come here... We'll work it out."


"Why do you have to go? I don't want you to go. Stay and cuddle with me. Please babe? You can call in sick or something. I just got back from tour, I just want some time with you. Please? It's way better than work anyways. Come back to bed."

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