#36 - Parenthood

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Your newborn was Harry's absolutely pride and joy. He was very protective over his and your daughter, tending to her every need. He was the one up with her in the middle of the night, the one who was always there when she started to cry. He was the one who tried to feed her, not giving up when she spat it out. He took the father role very seriously, knowing that he was one half of bringing this child up. Harry knew that how his children grew up reflected on him, and he wanted nothing but the best for her.

From the minute your child was born, Liam made the vow that no matter what happened, he would always protect yours and his child. The love he radiated onto your child was one like no other. He was so gentle and careful with the delicate human that was one half of him. Parenthood was definitely a good look on Liam. Your baby girl was definitely a daddy's girl, and at times you envied their relationship. But you knew that Liam took it very seriously, not wanting your child to grow up with a negative mindset. All he wanted was for her to know that she was loved, and no man could love her more than her father.

Niall was a proud father, always bringing your child out into the public. At first it worried you, thinking that as your baby grew older, he would start getting used to all the attention, but you trusted Niall. Every picture that was taken, you could see the amount of love Niall had for his child, the way he protected him, and held him firmly when camera's got too close. When you two were out together, he'd keep leaning down into the stroller just to make sure he was okay. And he always was. With a loving father like Niall, your son was going to know throughout his life that regardless of what happened, he always had someone to return to.

Zayn wanted the best for his son. He wanted to be there for him, he wanted to be that male figure your son looked up to. But he knew it was going to be hard to keep that relationship when he was constantly on tour. Late night talks with your husband revealed fears that you would have never guessed. The fear of being that father that was barely around, the father that his son would detest for leaving so much. But you reassured that Zayn would be anything but those things. When Zayn was away, you made sure your son was always apart of the Skype calls and visits constantly made. Zayn knew he had nothing to worry about.

Louis wanted to be a role model for your son. He always insisted and begged that you bring your baby to his games and of course, you were proud to. He always seemed to do better when you and your son was watching. You would always point out his daddy, talking to your son as Louis glanced up, feeling the pride build up on the field. He was the father that wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, hoping the exposure at such a young age would help. Your baby seemed to love it as well, growing up with a strong, confident father. Louis was not just a soccer dad, he was a loving dad, making sure your son had exactly what he needed. He was proud and happy, always making sure being a father and husband came first

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