#8 - "Hi, I'm..." (First Meeting/Punk)

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"Hi, I'm..." (First Meeting/Punk)

It wasn't your typical hang out place, but you and your friend wanted to go someplace different. When you got to the club, it was already pretty packed. Bodies pushed up against each other, music pounding, and the floor shaking. It was your typical nightclub scene. Approaching the bar, you waved the bartender over, ordering a drink and chatting with your friend. You weren't planning on meeting anyone tonight, but whatever happened, happened. After about an hour of hanging out, dancing and just having a good time, you were back at the bar, settling down.
Feeling a presence beside you and eyes burning into the side of your head, you turned, immediately holding the gaze with the man next to you. Taking in his appearance, you noticed his numerous piercings His stretches ears, his nose and lip ring, along with his tattooed-covered body. You were honestly mesmerized by this man and he appeared to have the same reaction to you. The two of you still hadn't spoken a word to each other, staring mindlessly into each other's eyes. Finally you broke the awkward tension, looking towards your drink.
"Um, hi," you chuckled, looking back towards him. "Can I help you?"
You watched as his tongue ran along his lower lip, stopping just before the small piece of metal.
"Maybe," he smirked. "As creepy as this sounds, I've had an eye on you tonight. Finally decided to come talk to you. So hi..." he said, smiling darkly. "I'm Harry."

It had been a long night of waiting on angry customers. One after the other, comments were being thrown in your face about things that was completely out of your control. Now you were down to the last two tables and the boys sitting at table 8 weren't taking it easy on you. Every time you would walk away, you could feel their eyes burning into the back of your head. But it wasn't the back of your head they were staring at.
Bringing them their check at the end of the evening, the one with the heavy tattoos looked up, giving you a smirk. You tried to ignore it to the best of your ability.
"Cash or credit," you asked, keeping your eyes down on the notepad.
"It'll be cash, love," the same one replied, pulling out a couple twenties and setting them on the table.
"How much change would you like back?" The man shook his head, holding up his hand.
"Keep the change." You nodded hesitantly, putting the cash into your little apron, his eyes never leaving you.
"This may seem strange, but may I ask your name?" The man asked, his lip ring catching some light. You chuckled, flashing your name tag. "Ah, right. (Y/N), that's a pretty name." Smiling again, he spoke once more. "Well (Y/N), hi. I'm Liam."

Walking around the shop, you mindlessly eyed the clothes, occasionally stopping if something caught your eye. So far, there hadn't really seen anything. You also hadn't noticed the young man watching you subtly from the check out. When he was finally free of customers from the front, he gradually made his way to you, stopping only a couple feet away.
"Did you need any help finding anything?" he asked, causing you to look up.
"Oh, no I'm just looking thank you." You smiled and went back to browsing, assuming he'd go away. But he didn't.
"Because if you're looking for something specific I can point you in the right direction." Looking up again, you shook your head.
"Uh, I think I'm okay thanks." You turned your back, but he did not take the hint at all. Inside your mind though, you weren't too disappointed. At first glance, he may appear to be a bit taboo. But if you really looked, you would see the beauty in his expression. The way his piercings suited his face perfectly, and the way his tattoos were just sticking out so you could catch a glimpse. Under all the body art, as nice as it was, there was a very handsome man.
"Well, maybe you can help me instead then," he smirked, causing you to look back.
"And what would that be?"
"Well, first let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Niall."

"What part of no don't you understand," you said, getting frustrated with your boyfriend. It was like he just couldn't keep his hands off you.
"I understand, but I know you're joking. I know you want it," he chuckled darkly.
Was he stupid? You were in a public place, right in the middle of the shopping centre where strangers upon strangers could easily catch you.
"Look I said no okay?" Pushing him away again, he only flocked back, rubbing your thigh and pushing your limits. "STOP!" you yelled, gathering the attention of a few bystanders.
He stood up, grabbing your arm and yanking you up with him. "Did you just yell at me?" Fear suddenly washed over your body and you shook your head, realizing you had just made a mistake. "You know what happens when you yell..." Evil could be seen behind his eyes, and you nodded. But before he could drag you out of the busy centre, there was a body, a stranger, standing between you, pushing you protectively behind you.
"Walk away mate," the stranger spoke, a firmness in his voice.
"What the hell are you doing? This is none of your business." Your boyfriend made a lunge to you, but the man kept him away.
"Just walk away. Before we cause more of a scene. Walk. Away."
You watched your boyfriend scowl but give up, turning around and disappearing into the crowd. As quick as it had started, it was finished and you finally saw the face of your protector. His glasses were partially covered by his hair, a lip ring catching your attention. His neck and arms were coated with dark tattoos, but you had to admit they were quite nice.
"Thank you... but you didn't have to do that..."
"Don't thank me. And yes I did. I've been watching and I could see how uncomfortable you were. It's not something uncommon for me... So I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He smiled, flashing his teeth slightly. Holding out his hand, he decided to make light of the situation. "Anyways, hi. I'm Zayn."

Sitting on the park bench, you watched your brother run around the field with his buddies passing around the soccer ball. You didn't have to come along, but you needed an excuse to leave the house while your mom had her friends over.
As you were watching, you noticed a new guy hanging around, talking to your brother and hanging out with the rest of them. But he wasn't like the rest. At least his appearance wasn't. His arms and chest were heavily tattooed, and from what you could catch a glimpse of, he had a few piercings. It wasn't a bad difference, in fact you found that you could barely take your eyes off of him.
Taking a break, the boys spilt off momentarily, your brother and the man coming over where you were. He must have left his stuff over in the same area.
"Why'd you tag along again?" you brother questioned, sitting next to you and taking a drink from his water bottle.
"Because, mom has her friends over and I refuse to be there when they come over." You stared at the field crossing your arms. Suddenly there was a shadow over you, causing you to look up and low and behold, there was the new guy. You found yourself staring, your brother nudging your arm and breaking your trance.
"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for letting me play with you guys. I don't know many people here." His voice was beautiful, to you anyways.
"Oh yeah! No problem mate. You should come play when we do. I can give you my number, here." Like teenage girls, they exchanged numbers, causing you to chuckle.
"Oh, and hi," he held out his hand to you. "I'm Louis."

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