#18 - You're In A Car Accident

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You're In A Car Accident

You knew you shouldn't be driving when you were this tired, but it had been a long day and you just wanted to get home. You had started off fine, but now you were beginning to regret not asking Harry to come pick you up. You found your eyes drooping, your car swerving every few seconds. It was a recipe for disaster. And that was just what was about to happen. Your eyes fell closed for only a few seconds. But that's all it took for you to swerve into the oncoming lane, the only sound being that of screeching tires and metal tangling together on impact.
Harry ran through the hallways, trying to get anybody's attention. He had received the phone call from the paramedic, as he was your emergency contact, and now he was here, looking for you desperately. "Where is she? I need to see her," he said frantically, approaching the lady at the front desk. "(Y/N), I need to see (Y/N)." The young nurse, looked up at him and typed a couple things into her computer before giving him your room number. "213." He didn't even thank her, he just turned and made a beeline. Your injuries were major, but not critical. Your leg was broken as well as both your wrists. Your face was fairly bruised, and they wanted to keep you overnight just in case of a concussion. When Harry got to the room, he calmed himself down seeing you awake, and alert. "Oh my god (Y/N)," he said softly, his heart falling at the sight of you. As he walked closer, you managed a small smile. "Hey Haz..." Your boyfriend got to your bed, sitting down and facing you. He took in your injuries and gave you a sad look. "What happened sweetheart?" You tried to pull everything you could remember from your memory and told him. "I can remember being really tired... and then, I think I might have closed my eyes for a few seconds and the next thing I know, I'm in the back of an ambulance," you explained, watching his facial expression. "Baby, you know you should have called me. I would've picked you up... You would've been safe." Frowning you nodded your head, feeling the regret and disappointment build up inside you. "I know... I... I'm sorry." Your reply was quiet, sad. Harry shook his head. "There's nothing we can really do right now... What matters is that you're alive. And taken care of and we can get you home soon." You nodded, trying your best to hold his hand with the uncomfortable casts on. "And I'm gonna take time off so I can help you around the house..." "You don't have to do that..." "I want to. I couldn't keep you safe tonight, but I can do it until you're healed. I'm not leaving you alone." A smile crept onto your face. "Harry I really love you, you know that?" He chuckled and leaned forward to kiss your forehead. "I love you too baby. For better or for worse."

It wasn't your fault. You were the safe driver in the situation, but someone who had decided to drive after a few drinks wasn't. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your music was on and you were smiling, heading to your date with Liam. You were completely oblivious to the out-of-control car coming around the corner. It literally happened in seconds. The car came whipping around the corner, right into your lane, and by the time you were able to react, it was too late. The headlights flashed in your eyes and that was the last thing you saw before your head hit the steering wheel and you fell unconscious.
(His P.O.V.) She said she'd be here at 7:30. It was now 8:30 and two scenarios were running through my mind. She had either stood me up, or something bad had happened. I could only hope neither of those situations had taken place. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and quickly took it out, seeing her number flash. Relief rushed over my body as I picked it up. "Babe, where are you? I was getting worried?" "Mr. Payne?" a male voice replied, and suddenly I wasn't so relieved anymore. "What? Who is this? Where's (Y/N)?" I quickly replied, getting up and leaving the restaurant. "Mr. Payne, there's been an accident. You were (Y/N)'s emergency number. We're gonna need you to come down to the hospital quick." His voice was so monotone, but I rushed to get to my car. An accident? Was she okay? "Please, is she okay?" I asked, fear evident in my voice. "I can't dispatch that information at this time. You'll need to come to the hospital first." "Okay. I'm on my way." I hung up my phone, tossing it into the passenger seat and started the car, frantically trying to get out of the parking lot. I was trying to stay calm, but it was so hard not knowing what kind of condition she was in. I could only pray she wasn't dead. That thought mad my heart fall into my stomach. "She's not dad, she's not dead." I just had to keep repeating that. I finally arrived at the hospital, walking through the front doors and immediately being greeted by a doctor. "Mr. Payne?" he asked and I nodded. "Where's (Y/N)?" Was the first question out of my mouth. "Come with me, and I'll talk to you privately." That couldn't be good, but I followed him. "Now, sir, your girlfriend was hit straight on by a drunk driver. It's a miracle she's still alive." Alive, (Y/N) was alive. "But, even though she is alive, she suffered from some major head trauma and it's assumed that she will have some temporary memory loss when she wakes up. Until then, we've chosen to keep her in a drug-induced coma, just to give her time to heal without any further stress on her body." I tried to process what the man was saying. "How long... How long do you think it will be before she wakes up?" I asked, dreading the answer. "Well, it could be as soon as this week, but it could also take as long as up to a year." A year? That was too long. "Okay... am I going to be able to see her?" My voice cracked as I tried not to cry in front of the man. He nodded. "She's in room 220." Thanking him quietly, I stepped away from him and slowly made my way down the hallway to her room. I watched the numbers until I finally reached 220. This was it. I poked my head in first and nearly broke down right there. Her skin was pale, nearly blue in color. She had tubes in her mouth and nose as machines did all the work for her. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as I sat in the chair, moving it to the side of the bed. I reached a shaky hand out to take her fragile one, and it was cold to the touch. "Baby... I don't know if you can hear me... But I'm here. It's me Liam... I'm right here... and I'll wait here until you wake up. I love you so much. Please don't give up..."

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