#37 - Your Child Is Sick

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Your Child Is Sick

"Mummy?" a small voice asked, jerking you from your sleep. You looked over the side of the bed, seeing your four year old daughter Kenzie with her stuffed bunny in one hand while the other rubbed her eyes. "What is it baby?" you asked groggily, yawning and sitting up slightly. "I don't feel good," she sniffled. You turned on your light, sitting your legs over the edge over the edge of the bed and picking her up into your lap. You felt your husband stir from the other side of the bed. "Everything alright?" he asked, voice heavy with sleep. Putting your hand on Kenzie's clammy forehead, you felt the heat radiate onto your palm pulling away. "Kenzie's got a fever," you replied, looking at the small girl who was curled up on your lap. "Aww, no," he frowned sitting up, coming to sit next to you. "Harry do you think you can run a cool bath for her?" you asked, looking at him tiredly. "Of course." Getting up he went into the main bathroom and drawing a bath while you carried her back to her room and getting her undressed. "C'mon baby, we'll cool you down and get you some medicine and then maybe you'll get to sleep." She nodded her small head on your shoulder as you carried her to her room, slipping her out of her sweat drenched clothes. "Mummy I'm cold," she whispered in a small voice, clutching onto you. "I know baby, but we need to get your temperature down," you explained, carrying her into the bathroom where your husband was mixing the hot and cold water. "There's my sick little girl," he smiled, taking her from you and gently setting her in the water. "If you can watch her Haz, I'm gonna change her sheets?" He nodded, letting some water fall over her shoulder blades as she played with one of the bath toys. Smiling, you went back into her room, stripping her bed and throwing them down to the laundry room, grabbing a new, clean set from her closet and re-making the bed, getting it all cozy for her. Grabbing a clean pair of pajama's for her, you walked back into the bathroom, seeing your baby girl half asleep in her daddy's arms with a towel wrapped around her ill body. "Here," you said quietly, helping him get her dressed. Now it was your turn to carry her, allowing your husband to grab the medicine for her, both of you walking into her room. As you gently layed her down, Harry grabbed one of the chewable pills that would hopefully bring down her fever. "Hey, Kenzie," you said quietly before she could fall asleep. Her big green eyes opened slightly as you sat her up one more time. "Just chew this okay? It's going to make you all better," Harry said sitting in front of you and slipping it between her lips. Kenzie lazily chewed and swallowed, and you laid her back down, wrapping the war, blankets around her loosely. "Alright baby, try and get some sleep okay? Wake mummy or daddy up if you still don't fee; good." By the time you had finished, she was already on the edge of a deep sleep, soft breaths making her chest rise and fall. "Let's go mummy. Back to bed," your husband smiled, taking your hand and leading you back to your room. The minute your heads hit the pillow, the two of you were back asleep, ready for anything your little girl might need.

A long day of work, all Liam wanted to do was have a nap. But the minute he walked through the door, he knew you wouldn't be getting the chance. "Liam?" you asked in a frazzled voice say, coming out with your newborn cradled in your arms. "Woah, what happened here?" he asked, taken back by your frazzled appearance and your crying baby. "I think Adam's sick, but I can't tell, and I'm freaking out because he won't stop crying and I've tried feeding him and bathing him and burping him and changing him but he just won't stop crying and I think he has a temperature but I can't tell because I can't find the thermometer and, and..." You were on the verge of tears yourself, not knowing what to do. "Give him here," Liam said softly, standing in front of you and taking the screaming infant. "Hey buddy, what's going on?" he said, walking with you hot on his trail. "I'm so sorry babe, I forgot to tell you I moved the thermometer," Liam said, going to the kitchen and grabbing it from the counter top. You sighed, frustrated that it had been in front of you the whole time. Your husband took the baby thermometer and slipped it under you son's arm, holding it down gently, but firm enough so it could get a decent reading. Standing there nervously, you picked at your nails, watching your boys together. As soon as the thermometer beeped, Liam took it out, sighing out. "Definitely a fever." "How high is it?" you asked coming over to look. "Just about 100. Do you think we should take him to the clinic or should we just go to the pharmacy?" he asked biting his lip, trying to calm your son down. "Maybe call your mum..?" you suggested and Liam's face lit up nodding. "Good idea! She'll know what to do." He gently handed him off to you for a minute while he called his mom. Five minutes later he was back with a somewhat worried expression on his face. "Mum said that since he's under three months, we gotta take him to emergency since the doctors is closed." Your eyes widened slightly, but you nodded, getting him wrapped up. Slipping on your shoes and jacket, you tried to keep the mindset that your baby was just fighting off a nasty infection. When you finally reached the hospital, you two rushed to get in and get him checked out. Luckily, there wasn't a huge wait for the pediatric ward. About two hours past, and you and your family left the hospital with a bottle of medicine and relaxed nerves. "Thank god it was nothing serious," you said quietly, your whole demeanor from earlier disappearing as you strapped Adam back in. "I know... but at least we know what to do next time right..?" Nodding you got in as did he. "Tell your mum thank you next time you call her for me." Liam smiled, starting the car and pulling out, taking a hold of your hand over the console. "Definitely will love."

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