#48 - You're Claustrophobic

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You're Claustrophobic

Harry: "Oh no no no no," you mumbled as the elevator jerked to a stop, your claustrophobia setting in almost immediately. "(Y/N)?" Harry asked from beside you, his arm finding its way around your waist. "Hey hey," he continued, seeing the panic written all over your face. "I need to get out, I need to get out!" you exclaimed, pulling away and hitting the large metal doors that remained shut. The emergency button, after catching your eye, took brutal beating from your forefinger. "(Y/N)," your boyfriend tried to coax, but you were in a state of mind that was not a pretty one. He had seen only one episode like this before and knew the last thing you needed was for him to grab you and hold you. It would only trigger your fear more. All he could do was speak, trying to calm you down until the doors opened once again.

Liam: You were insistent on sitting in the actual audience for their next show. You figured that even though you did deal with claustrophobia, you would be able to handle yourself. It wasn't until you were actually on the floor with all the screaming girls that you recognized the severity of it. The flashing stage lights and the compacted space was making it hard for you to deal with the discomfort of your fears. With a panicked expression, your hands began to sweat and shake. You needed to find a quick exit, but there just didn't seem to be one. Panicking, your body filled with fear of something that wasn't real, but sure seemed to be. Liam noticed your frantic look, immediately sending Paul to your aid and getting you safely backstage. "Babe are you okay?" he asked, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead during an outfit change. "Yeah... yeah I'll just stay back here for now on," you replied and he nodded. "Of course babe. I'll be back soon okay? Love you," he said smiling as running to change.

Niall: During the night, your constant tossing and turning had caused you to get tangled up in the bedsheets, causing you to wake up in a panic. You hated the idea of small spaces and being trapped within. And not being unable to move was enough to scare you from a peaceful slumber. Your breathing increased and your eyes were wide, struggling in the darkness to unwrap yourself. "(Y/N)!" your boyfriend exclaimed when he noticed your uneasy state, flicking on the light and immediately moving to help you free your body from the tangled mess of blankets. "Hey, hey stop squirming," he said reasonably calm, managing to get you out of your trap and move them completely out of your way. Your breathing started to get back to normal and your body relaxed, falling back into the pillow. "Sorry..." you sighed. "No, no it's okay baby. Just try and get a little more sleep okay?" he said quietly, putting an arm around you.

Zayn: He had tried to keep the fans a reasonable distance away from you, but with no security to keep them back, it was ruthless. You tried to stay as close as you could to Zayn, your claustrophobia kicking in in mere seconds. It wasn't often you would get mobbed, but it was times like this that really triggered your fear. "(Y/N)!" Zayn exclaimed, grabbing your face once you were safely in the hotel lobby. "Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?" Your eyes flew open and took in the big, empty lobby. You didn't realize how shaken up you were until you saw the look of worry on Zayn's face. "You're okay, okay? Everything's okay." Nodding you grabbed onto him, his arms finding their way around you as well. "If I would've known, I wouldn't have brought you with me... I'm so sorry boo..." "It's okay.." you replied, your breathing steadying. "It's all okay now..."

Louis: "I can't...." you stuttered out, clutching onto your boyfriend's hand as people continued to snap pictures of you, paparazzi surrounding you with no exit. The flashes made you feel so enclosed and panicked. Louis was trying to get you out of the situation, but the camera men were ruthless. "Hey! Get away!" he shouted, keeping a protective arm around you at all times. "Can't you see she's not okay?!" You listened to him yell, but that was becoming distant. All you wanted to do was run and break out of the crowd, wanting to have a big space and fresh air surrounding you. It felt like you were stuck in one place. One of the men felt gutsy, stepping closer to you and snapping a picture of you, the flash blinding you causing you to stumble backwards. You let out a terrified scream, falling to your knees, squeezing your eyes shut. Suddenly the crowd went quiet and the picture stopped. Louis dropped to his knees next to you, yelling at everyone to "fuck off" immediately changing his demeanour while speaking to you. "(Y/N), (Y/N)... look at me." You looked up shaking, focusing on his deep blue eyes. "H-Home?" you whimpered out and he nodded, helping you to your feet and ignoring anyone else who attempted to talk to you, getting you safe and sound back home.

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