#11 - "I Need You..."

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"I Need You..."

Harry: Is what you whisper on the phone when he's away. It's late for you, early for him. The time difference making it difficult to communicate. "I'm scared and lonely Harry... I don't think I can be alone much longer..." "Baby I'm home in a week. I know this is hard but I need to stay strong for me. Please... I'll be home sooner than you think."

Liam: Is what he mumbled under the piles of blankets set up on the bed. He had come down with a flu and hadn't really moved in the last two days. Pushing past the idea that you too could possibly get ill, you slightly pulled back the covers and allowed him to cuddle into you, keeping your child-like boyfriend happy and safe until the nasty bug passed.

Niall: You say during the Skype call, his face falling. "I need you Niall... I miss you so much..." He nods, agreeing with your words. "I know love... But just think... It's only a few more days before I'm back home with you in my arms. I need you too, but we need to get through this final stretch and trust me. It'll be so worth it.

Zayn: Is what you tell him when he's about to walk out the door in a fury. Turning around, you notice his features soften. "Please don't leave Zayn... I'm sorry! I shouldn't have accused you of cheating. I should've believed you, not the stupid tabloids. Please Zayn... Don't go... I... I need you..."

Louis: Is what he chokes out as you rush to get home to him from work. He was a wreck after the phone call came in that his grandmother had passed. "Baby I'm ten minutes away. I'm coming." You needed to get home to him as soon as you could. "Please (Y/N). I don't want to be alone... I need you."

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