#46 - He's Your Best Friend & In An Abusice Relationship

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Harry: "Another one?" you sighed looking at the new bruise around his forearm. "It's not that bad (Y/N)..." he mumbled, pulling his sleeve back down. "Harry," you said sadly. "It is bad. This is the second time this week and it's only Wednesday... not to mention all the times before." "She's angry though..." he started but you cut him off. "Do not make excuses for her Harry. I don't care how angry she gets, she has no right to put her hands on you in a negative way." Harry let out another sigh. "I love you Haz... but staying with her is a bad decision. And I'm not going to sit here and watch her hurt you. So please.... do this for you. I'll be here the whole way.

Liam: "Don't pretend you're okay Liam," you told him right before he was about to answer your previous questions. "But I am (Y/N), I'm fine." "No. Just stop," you said firmly shaking your head and standing up. "I've seen the text messages okay? I've seen how brutal things get!" He sighed rubbing his face. "Fine! I'm not fine! I'm absolutely miserable. I go every day hearing about how stupid and worthless I am, and that I'm lucky she's even with me. I had to tell her I was going to the store, because if she knew it was you I was seeing, I don't even want to think about how she would react!" Without another word you stood up, grabbing your jacket. "Any girl would be lucky to have you... You're staying here. I'm gonna go deal with her. I love you Liam, no more of this shit from her."

Niall: "Niall!" you exclaimed taking in the scene in front of you. "(Y/N)!" he yelled back, trying to protect his face from his girlfriends flying fists. You ran up to her, grabbing her waist and pulling back roughly, causing both of you to fall to the ground. You scrambled to your feet, grabbing Niall's hand and rushing him out to your car before she had a chance to recover. You were quick to get out your friend out of there and out of harms way. "What was that Niall?" you asked after a few minutes of silence. "Nothing," he mumbled. "How the hell was that nothing, she was absolutely wailing on you!" Niall didn't reply, looking at his lap. "Niall, I want you to stay at my place for a while okay? I'm gonna help you. I promise, no more pain. It's ending now."

Zayn: "(Y/N) please come pick me up?" he asked shakily. "Please... before she wakes up..." This was the phone call you had received at 3am from your best friend. Now here you were pulling up in front of the dark house and getting Zayn safely into your car. "Z what happened?" you asked with a yawn, starting to drive away. "What did she do to you?" He sighed shakily. "She... she was threatening to hurt me and herself if I left... I feel terrible for leaving but I needed to! I-I'm so scared. I just can't take it! I'm a mental wreck and I don't want to live in constant fear..." You nodded as he concluded his venting, looking over at him. "Zayn what you did takes a lot of courage... but listen to me. You have to stay strong. You can stay with me, or I can drop you at your moms. But you'll have support from me a hundred percent. Just please do what's best for you..."

Louis: He sat on your couch as you gently placed the ice pack on his bruising cheek. You gently set it on the darkened skin, gently taking his hand and placing it over the pack to hold in in place. "Five minute on, five minutes off okay?" Louis nodded giving you a thankful look. "I'm sorry you had to see that (Y/N)," he said softly, looking at you as you sat across from him. "It's fine Lou, I'm glad I did.... um... how long has this been going on?" It took him a minute until he shrugged. " I can't really remember... It's not the often though.""Okay, so it's happened before?" He nodded. "You know you can't stay in this relationship right?" Another nod. You looked at him quietly, coming to sit next to him, putting your arm around his shoulders. "We're gonna work something out. But for now, just relax. You're safe here."

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