#31 - First Night With The New Baby

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First Night With The New Baby

It was different. The two of you were used to quiet and peace, but with the new baby, that peace would not be around for a while. You took turns getting up to see what she needed, coming back, only to have her cry out again within an hour. It was going to take some getting used to, but in the end, the two of you would be able to do it.

It was stressful. You were exhausted and so was Liam. The labour had kept you up all night last night and now that the baby was finally home, it wasn't any more peaceful. At least at the hospital, the nurses were there to help. Now you were on your own with your husband, and the crying wouldn't stop. It was going to be a while until peace could be restored during the night.

It was easier than you thought. All your friends with kids had told you numerous horror stories of the first night. How the baby would scream and cry. But not your little boy. Sure he woke up crying once or twice, but overall, you and Niall, as well as the baby, managed to get a few hours of solid sleep.

It was tiring. Up and down you and Zayn went, taking turns to rock the baby back to sleep. The little girl seemed like she was on an automatic timer. Exactly five minutes after each hour, she woke up crying in her crib. You both had tried everything. Walking, singing, feeding, rocking. But her timer was set. You could only hope this was temporary.

It was amazing. Although he woke up, you and Louis cherished the time spent with the newborn, despite the early hours. You both got up to see what he needed and while one tried to get him back to sleep, the other would watch on in case the other needed help. Working together was the most relaxing way to deal with it, and through your relaxed actions, the baby would fall asleep faster every time.

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