#30 - Beautiful

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"But baby, you're so beautiful, why do you need all the makeup?" he pouts standing in the doorway to the bathroom. "Because I need it," you chuckled in reply working on the mascara. "Well, as cliche as it sounds babe, you're beautiful with or without it." You chuckled, finishing up. "You're so corny Styles."

"S-she's so beautiful..." he stutters in complete awe of your newborn daughter. "She has your lips and eyes..." You watched as he listed every little thing he loved about the little 2 hour old baby. "Just so beautiful. Just like your mum."

'She's so beautiful.' He thinks to himself as you walked arm in arm with your father down the aisle. 'I'm so lucky she's mine... Finally. I can't remember how long I've been waiting for this day to come.' You finally made it to the end of the, what seemed like forever, walk, taking his hands and starting a new chapter.

"Beautiful," he says as the interviewer asks him to describe you in one word. "Inside and out. She has a beautiful soul and a beautiful appearance... There are so many words that could describe her, but I think beautiful speaks the loudest."

"H-How do I look...?" Your teenage daughter asks as she spins around in her turquoise prom dress. You admired how the chiffon fabric complimented her skin tone and how her makeup was done to perfection. "Beautiful... you look beautiful." Louis said, tearing up at the sight of his baby girl so grown up.

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